Highlights: MODS Training by Gerard Seow

MODS Training by Gerard Seow

LEARNING VIDEO SERIES - Extension Campus in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Highlights: Learning the Eyes

Learning the Eyes

[Wix text ](https://sevenmodalities.notion.site/Wix-text-dafa409ab22644159c885979b6461df0)

DAVT Ordination -Every Soul Ordained for Greatness -

According to Scripture, life can be divided into seven seasons. The first decade is about discovery, and each subsequent decade brings different outcomes: serving others in your 20s, learning in your 30s, encouraging others in your 40s, re-evaluating priorities in your 50s, leading in your 60s, and showing compassion in your 70s. Every soul is ordained for greatness and every community can bless God and flourish. If you use your unique gifts and talents, you will excel and inspire others to become leaders who serve in the same way.

Wix photo and text

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KC Academic eco-System (AES) is designed for students to interact with our peers, faculty and members of the public including our stakeholders and partners. Students can access course requirements and lectures including instructions, assignments, and tools necessary for graduation.

Why King’s College?

The Thin Red Line has become an English language figure of speech for any thinly spread military unit holding firm against attack. The phrase has also taken on the metaphorical meaning of the barrier which the relatively limited armed forces of a country present to potential attackers. In the context of the 2020 pivot if the COVID months, the transitions included over 500 broadcast hours in the establishment of the College of Pastors.

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