Visualising the War on Family

The world is at war. From the battlegrounds of Ukraine and Gaza to the maritime lanes of the Red Sea, world kingdoms are in conflict. The Kingdom of God is also breaking in amid the backdrop of a raging War on Family.

Many of us have grown up with the impression that ideological movements affecting family, such as abortion or alternative lifestyles, were a gradual cultural erosion that would take place over generations. But aggressive new waves have now been coopting societal institutions and structures to drive through cultural change within a decade.

The Family360 Wall is a snapshot of where social, economic and ideological waves affect generational family across the mountains or spheres of influence. It is designed to facilitate awareness and sensemaking, to inspire deeper inquiry, prayer and joint action. Listed with the 37 current and emerging waves are a group of family & fathering movements seeking to address them.


Background to 7 Mountains / Spheres

Back in the 1980s, 3 Christian pioneers - Bill Bright (Crusade), Loren Cunningham (YWAM) and Francis Schaeffer (L’Abri) - were led to identify 7 key mountains or spheres of influence dominant in society. A Kingdom theology emerged for the engagement of these arenas of life in the discipling of nations.

The mountains or spheres of influence have developed in significant ways over the decades, and are presented here in the form of ‘metastructures’ which we interact with daily.

  1. Media > Media & Technology | Metastructure of Media & Technology in the convergence of physical & digital worlds

  2. Arts > Arts & Ideology | Metastructure of Arts & Ideology in creative envisionment, identity & culture formation

  3. Church > Civil Society | Metastructure of Civil Society founded in racial, religious, social communities & compacts

  4. Government > Government & Law | Metastructure of Gov & Law in the administration & leadership of a commonwealth

  5. Business > Business & Finance | Metastructure of Business & Finance in economic production, trade & market growth

  6. Education > Education & Research | Metastructure of Education & Research in the development & application of knowledge fields

  7. Family > Family | Metastructure of Generational Family in the raising, training & protection of children

While we see many waves against Family arising, God is calling us to stand with Him on the frontline. In this time, mountains and kingdoms will be shaken to reveal the foundations of God's Kingdom, and ultimately be brought under Christ's reign.

The integrated nature of the War on Family requires us to pursue God together for fresh movements and solutions that would bring His Kingdom into a broken world.

Why Family at the Centre

  1. Isaiah 2:2 and Micah 4:1 are parallel passages that speak of the 'mountain of the house of the LORD' as the highest of the mountains. It is God's house, His dwelling place with His family, that sets this mountain apart as the highest of the mountains.

"It shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the house of the LORD shall be established as the highest [chief] of the mountains, and shall be lifted up above the hills; and all the nations shall flow to it..." ~ Isa 2:2 / Mic 4:1