

Wiki: 7Modalities Paradigm

Executive Summary: The pattern of sevens in the Bible serves as a powerful framework for understanding personal and communal spiritual development. This recurring motif, found throughout Scripture, provides a comprehensive model for discovering and nurturing individual gifts within the context of house church planting and broader church networks. By aligning with this divine pattern, believers can unlock their unique spiritual genius, fostering a dynamic and transformative church environment. This approach not only facilitates personal growth but also contributes to the organic expansion of the Kingdom through the establishment of vibrant, interconnected faith communities. Understanding and applying this pattern enables graduate students to grasp the intricate relationship between individual giftings and collective church growth, offering a holistic perspective on spiritual formation and church planting strategies.

(1.) See graphic: PRO, DEA, DID, PAR, …

Translate from koine of Rom 12:6-8 giving english equivalents of the 7 greek archetypes in the pattern revealed at Rome to Apostle Paul (Gifts of the Father).


(2.) See graphic: Fig, Barley, Wheat, Olive …

Map the 7 greek archetypes to their corresponding 7 fruits in Deut 8:8; name them one by one and be ready to explain how each of them reflect the land, the glory, the laws, the growth, the house, the commonwealth and the tribes of Israel? Which two did Jesus highlight in the “Last Supper” - for whom, to what end and why?


(3.) Graphic: Gate, Fire, Laver, …

Map to the 7-fold pattern shown to Moses in the 7 worship stations constructed in the Tabernacle of Exodus 40; name them one by one and be ready to explain how each of the stations map to the worship moments in 1 Cor 14:26.


(4.) Video: Music Prelude (Hanoi)…Eye, Hands, Ears …

Map to the 7 Laws of Adam in Creation and discuss intelligent design; name each body part one by one and map to key aspects of divine inspiration, execution, enablement, order, leadership and intervention.



(5.) Graphic: Virtue, Knowledge, Self-control, …

Map to the 7 natural endowments in 2 Pet 1:5-7 with short descriptions; name each endowment one by one and write short notes about the essential goodness of design in God’s creation.


(6.) Graphic: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum …

Map to the 7 churches in Rev 2 - 3; name each and connect the dots to their significance then and now. You should be able to discuss your answers in light of the rise of Christianity as a global force for good to the ends of the earth.


(7.) Graphic: Rome, Corinth, Ephesus …

Locate these 3 cities in Google Maps and explain their significance in a Trinitarian context of the various impacts by Father, Son and Holy Spirit in the earth, upon whom and according to what priorities and how?


(8.) Graphic: When you Come together (1 Cor 14:26)

What is a House Church (”oikos”) where does the term come from (origin) and what does it describe (function) in the context of the 7worship moments: leadership, atonement, instruction, clarity, revelation, wisdom, edification?


(9.) Graphic: Prodigal Son Returns (Luke 15:21-14)

What is a Church House (”hub”) and what 3 elements are prominent; name them and elaborate.

Hubs and Houses in the City of Faith


Menorah (7branches) Paradigm

Modalities - Secrets of the Menorah (Complete Layout).pdf

The key findings of the study highlight the distinct characteristics and spiritual principles associated with various cities, each represented by a specific "flame" that embodies divine qualities and challenges.

Mapping the 7Seven Churches