Your mission, should you choose to accept, is to rethink theologic understanding and align to future state technologies in order to redeem the wastelands of education, media and culture.
We choose 5G cities like Hanoi because of existing links with residents who are in touch with hidden communities of “daddycated” saints who love and serve Jesus with the same obedience and passion.
Agile sprints/scrums from 25 - 29 March in the context of redesigning a non-typical, off-grid seminary for ministry pilots in collaboration with other stand-alone institutions at the intersection of theology, family and human formation.
We seek accreditation through agencies like the Zurich-based International Council for Higher Education (ICHE network) as we pioneer the first batches in our M.A. Graduate School targeting pastors and non-levitical leadership in multiple time zones.
Arrive in Hanoi on or before the 24 March. Earn up to 3 CR credit hours for this C-BAM module. Those from the nations who attend the entire 100 hours (Mon - Fri) qualify for academic scholarships. Terms and conditions apply. Cost: $60 SGD per academic hour.