原爆検証01「原子雲」広島・長崎 全検証29分

The Nuclear Age The nuclear arms race escalated during the Cold War between East and West in the wake of World Warli, and the possession of nuclear weapons came to be looked upon as a deterrent to nuclear war. Nuclear weapons were deployed every time relations between the superpowers became tense, but civilian groups always organized powerful movements to prevent their use. The confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union came to an end in 1990, but new fears have emerged about the proliferation and possible use of nuclear weapons in regional conflicts.

キノコ雲の上と下 祖父は、ふたつの原爆を見た【ドキュメンタリー】

Modern Nuclear Weapons Even today, more than half a century after the creation of the first atomic bomb, there exists more than enough nuclear weapons to completely eradicate mankind from the face of the earth. In addition to the U.S., Russia, the U.K., France, and China, there are many other countries possessing nuclear weapons. The destructive force and accuracy of modern nuclear weapons far exceeds that of those dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Humanity still lives in fear of them, and their earliest possible abolition is our greatest challenge.

原爆検証01「原子雲」広島・長崎 全検証29分

From Nagasaki to the World After the arrival of Portuguese ships in the 16th century, Nagasaki served as a base for commercial interaction with foreign countries and also as a meeting place for diverse cultures. The shipbuilding industry took on importance here from the latter part of the 19th century, and before and during World WarI Nagasaki became a production center for warships and armaments. In 1949 the Japanese government enacted the "Nagasaki International Culture City Construction Law" to help the city recover from the atomic bombing. As a result Nagasaki assumed a new role as a symbol of peace and culture, and its citizens have appealed to the world ever since under the slogan "Peace Begins in Nagasaki.


浦上教会関係者の集合写真 この写真は、1954年から1955年の賞に てんしゅどう しんあいようちえん 天主堂で撮影されたものです。信愛幼稚園のシスターなかしままん り しゅにんし と常賞券、全=禁が写っています。空から4 番自が言者の7時場ーさんです。カトリックの旨徒である場=さんにとって教会は野な容であり、蕝好の選び場でした。中島司祭は教会に遊びにきた子どもたちをいつも寄愛がってくれたそうです。 この写真が撮影された頃の蒲空は、夜原後約1800 せんさいふっこうじぎよ 名だった信徒が約6500名に増加し、戦災復興事業に よる選つもの工輩が行われるなど、聞るく住みよい番 へと大きく変化していく時期にありました。同年、浦上 教会においても中島司祭を芸として湯に笑望 帯装資会が発足しており、教会後異の過渡期にある教会関係者を写した貴重な写真といえます。 奇贈:中村陽二


1571年、ポルトガルの来航により、歴史の幕をあけた「長崎」。江戸時代の鎖国下、オランダ、中国を通じて海外に開かれた曜ーの窓口となった「長崎」。幕末の開港により、洋館が建ちなら び、居留地質易で張わった「長崎」。明治以降、近代化とともに質易の街から造船の街へと変わった「長崎」。日中戦争、第二次世界大戦に突入、戦時色を強めた「長崎」。三方を山に囲まれ、374年の歴史を刻んだ坂の街「長崎」に、1945年(昭和20年)8月9日、夏の一日が訪れた。


Nagasaki, where the curtain of history opened with the arrival of Portuguese ships in 1571. Nagasaki, which through its relations with Holland and China was Japan's only open port from 1641 to 1859. Nagasaki, where Japanese students gathered to draw from the well of Western Knowledge. Nagasaki, Western style buildings stood side by side and the foreign settlements bustled in the late 19th century. Nagasaki, which gradually changed from a trade port to a shipbuilding center in the course of modernization. Nagasaki, where a dark shadow fell during the war with China and World War 11. Nagasaki, surrounded on three sides by mountains and boasting a colorful history of 374 years, greeted the summer morning of August 9, 1945.


1571年,都萄牙阳的来航,拉开了长飾的历史雄非。闭关自安的江户时代,通过和荷兰、中国的贸易往来,使长嗎成为当时唯一的对外窗口,點府未期,通过开港长的洋投林立。外国人屈留地贸品促进了长崎的然菜,明治以后,随参日本的近代化,长齮由饮易城市钱化为进阳城市,进入中日战爭和第二次世界大战后,增強了长斷战争的色彩,1945年(昭和20年)8月9日,三面环山具有374年历史的山坡之城一一长崎又迎来了一个夏日。 1571 년에 포르두장선이 내양한으로써 역사의 막이 오른 나가사키(51): 쇄국정책을 펴고 있던 에도시대 때 네덜란드와 중국을 통하여 예외에 개방된 유입한 관문이었던"나가사기. 에도막부 말업의 개항으로 서양식 건물이 들어서고 ' 휴지무역으로 환기를 띠었던 나가사키.. 메이지시대 이후. 근대화와 함께 무역도시에서 조선산업의 도시로 할바끔인 +나가사키,. 중일전쟁, 제2차 세계대전에 돌입하여 전쟁 분위기가 전계 드리우던'나가사키.. 삼면이 산으로 둘리싸여 374년의 역사를 씨겨온 인덕의 거리: 나가사키 에, 1945년 8월9일, 여름날의 하루가 찾아왔다.


[25] Damage Caused by Radiation - 長崎原爆資料館 | 長崎市 平和・原爆