<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/49de0235-e8bc-4eca-bf20-2a9d6d267a02/2c948c55-19b7-468a-913b-c019fdd618e9/IMAGE_2024-02-23_213625.jpg" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/49de0235-e8bc-4eca-bf20-2a9d6d267a02/2c948c55-19b7-468a-913b-c019fdd618e9/IMAGE_2024-02-23_213625.jpg" width="40px" /> DECODE THE ELEMENTAL

PRO-PHE-TI-EA - the ability to decode, define the elemental. This default natural ability derives pleasure in unearthing and uncovering mystery and proclaiming this to the world.


Understanding the Seven Modalities

The first thing we want to do is to go through the Seven Modalities one by one. We will extract the relevant definitions from the interlinear Bible, specifically the seven Greek words found in Romans Chapter 12 verses 6, 7 and 8. These are the seven geniuses that the Father places in every human being, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, language, or religion.

Introduction to Prophetiea

The first modality is called Prophetiea. We will be introducing seven different men from the Hebrew Scriptures who embody this idea that the Father has created us differently. In the case of Prophetiea, we can see a picture of Joseph and the impact he made in his generation. This modality is all about impact and how one can make a difference. Beyond the hats or titles that Joseph wore, he was a person who was very futuristic, exceptionally talented, and inspired by the future. He energized others with his vision of the future. Simply put, it's the ability to decode and define the elemental.

Joseph's Archetype

Each person has a particular niche archetype that is different from their consequential impact. Therefore, in the case of Joseph, he was elementally someone who had visions and dreams, was fascinated by ideas, and was able to find connections between seemingly disparate phenomena. He could interpret the dreams of the pharaoh and even those of the baker and the cup-bearer in prison. He was very strategic, always creating alternative ways to proceed, and could quickly spot relevant patterns and uses. These traits come from the Heavenly Father's design for Prophetiea from his mother's womb.

The Genius and Blind Spot

The Prophetiea's genius is the uncanny ability to turn the paradigm on its head, unravel the mystery, and then immediately broadcast it. This is also the blind spot of the Prophetiea in his unredeemed state. If the genius is not harnessed properly, it can get him into a lot of trouble, as was the case with Joseph when he was bullied by his brothers and thrown into a pit. If it is properly harnessed, however, it can push one to break into new ground and go where angels do not dare to tread. People will chase him for his revelation, and the place where he breaks new ground will become commonplace and household.

The Role of Modalities

The seven modalities have nothing to do with the gifts of the Holy Spirit or the fourfold or fivefold ministry. The seven modalities are about the way you will impact society from Monday to Friday or Saturday. Every soul is ordained for greatness, and when this genius in mankind is redeemed, then every soul potentially has the natural ability to make a mark in society.

Early Childhood Development

In early childhood development, it doesn't matter how naughty or what kind of trouble children get themselves into, or whatever proclivities they may have. Every soul is ordained for greatness. When you open the durian of humanity, you will find hidden, secret chambers, and what happens in those chambers determines the fragrance, the fruitfulness, and the approach that you have to making a mark or making an impact in the world.

Drive and Urge of Prophetiea

Prophetiea is one of the modalities that deals with the drive and urge to unravel and uncover truth, knowledge, or understanding and to proclaim and expound what is otherwise hidden, concealed, or latent. Individuals will seek to perceive, interpret, announce, and/or be the spokesperson for issues and events that to others may be unclear, obscure, or even obtuse.

132, 632, 732 Archetype