╔═══════════ KING'S COLLEGE SEMINARY [5-Year Educational Journey]══════════════╗
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║ Preceptorship Program ║
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║ Seminary Studies ║ Thesis Research ║ Non-Levitical ║
║ (Year 1-3) ║ (Year 4) ║ Ordination ║
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║ ENTRY LEVELS: ║ Research Question: ║ DAVT (Year 5) ║
║ M1: Interlinear ║ "I help... ║ Final Phase ║
║ M2: Modalities ║ to...by..." ║ ║
║ M3: Unseen Realm ║ ║ ║
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║ 7 Mountains ║ Literature Review ║ Ordination ║
║ 7 Archetypes ║ Methodology ║ Ceremony ║
║ 7 Movements ║ Data Analysis ║ Certification ║
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║ Servant Leadership ║ Oral Presentation ║ Ministry ║
║ Malachi 4:4-6 ║ Written Submission ║ Assignment ║
║ Lion,Ox,Eagle,Man ║ Final Defence ║ ║
Support Components & Resources
║ Research ║ SOLE ║ Assessment ║ Student ║
║ Development ║ Learning ║ Framework ║ Services ║
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║ C-BAM System ║ Academics ║ ORCID ID ║ Municipality ║
║ Ref. Library ║ Impact Study ║ Diagnostics ║ Advisory Board ║
║ Notion Platform ║ Self-Study ║ Thesis Review ║ Logistics Team ║
† C-BAM: Challenge-based Agile Management Framework
* SOLE: Self-organised Learning Environment with Integrated Assessment
* Assessment includes continuous evaluation and milestone achievements
Matthew 8:24-25 (KJV) 24 And he looked up, and said, "I see men as trees, walking." 25 After that he put his hands again upon his eyes, and made him look up: and he was restored, and saw every man clearly.
In this miracle, our Lord heals a man in stages. Clarity emerges swiftly after a brief period of confusion—like emerging from a fog of war, of blurred vision, of interrupted transformation. Finally, blindness gives way to restored sight.
When we find ourselves caught in this sacred disorientation, it's like standing in a familiar room where all the furniture has been rearranged. Our spiritual eyes are adjusting, much like the blind man in Mark's gospel. At first, we see "men as trees, walking" - a partial revelation that leaves us more confused than enlightened. We grasp at old paradigms, trying to force new wine into old wineskins.
Yet this holy confusion often precedes divine clarity. Like a compass needle spinning before finding true north, our initial discomfort is actually the Spirit's realignment process. What feels like loss of direction is often God's way of pivoting us toward His perfect will. We learn to trust not our first impressions but His gradual unveiling of truth.
The beauty of this process lies in its humbling nature - we must admit our partial blindness before receiving complete sight. Just as dawn doesn't break instantly but gradually transforms darkness into light, so too does our understanding unfold in stages, each revelation building upon the last until we see "every man clearly."
At our first church retreat in August 1991 at Yishun Country Club, we envisioned establishing a network of home-based churches, beginning in the North-East region of the island. Since then, we have grown significantly in both size and ministry focus. As we examine these developments and study our roots, we gain a clearer perspective on today's evangelistic needs. We need not be daunted by the task before us—rather, let us trust that the Lord, who has faithfully led us this far, will continue to guide us until the work is complete.
<aside> 🚧 The Challenge (1986)
One of the biggest challenges in gospel work is preserving the fruits of ministry, especially in follow-up care. I first encountered this while serving in a multi-congregational church near Chinatown. My assignment seemed simple: contact visitors to our church services and track down those who had backslidden or disappeared. I received two shoeboxes stuffed with visitor cards—records of both new contacts and those who had left the church or gone "Missing-in-Action" (MIA). My task was to contact visitors, assess their spiritual condition, restore the lost, counsel the weak, correct the wayward, and above all, "get them to the church on time!"
Those first few months taught me profound lessons about God's grace. I remember Bob (not his real name) and his wife, who were seeking a church home. Both had deep devotion to the Lord and eagerly desired to serve Him. Though it took me months to make initial contact, they became faithful members of our congregation. Within a year, they answered the call to mission work in Indonesia. What struck me most was that despite the long delay between their first visit and my follow-up, they still responded with warmth.
<aside> 🚧 Robbing God’s People of Initiative (1987)
Yet something was deeply amiss. For every person who responded, many more slipped away through the church's "big back door." While some visitors chose not to follow Christ or submit to the Word, the high dropout rate revealed a fundamental flaw in our system's ability to welcome newcomers. I realized this wasn't just an administrative task for a paid worker—it was a pastoral challenge every church needed to address.
The system we had created was clearly broken. I had inadvertently centralized the follow-up process at my desk, when it should have been the living, breathing responsibility of every congregation member. In doing so, I had stripped ordinary church members of their natural initiative to reach out to family and friends.
The toll soon became evident. My spirit grew dry instead of flourishing. I lost the ability to sing, pray, or laugh in church; exhaustion replaced what should have been joy in the God of my salvation. It wasn't until the pastor's wife handed me a book on "Burnout" that I finally recognized the truth—I had depleted my own strength and needed to seek heaven's answers.