
City of Faith: EPHESUS

The uncanny ability to discover the hidden and latent behind the obvious and ordinary crushing deception and dispelling the clouds of doubt and despair. Your perception is not always God’s reality.


1 Corinthians 14:26: ”Each of you has a revelation” to decode and define the modalities of the Father as light is refracted through a prism revealing a diverse spectrum of truth that otherwise could not be appreciated.

Arete / Epainos

The one who sees clearly future truth that overturns existing paradigms of the present to recalibrate what is true from heaven’s perspective not man’s. Alethiea battles the spirit of deception by establishing an eco-system of revelation from heaven’s point of view breaking down resistance to forward movement.


Virtue, in our better moments, is sourced from the Throne cradled in the heart from your mother’s womb bringing forth an age of innocence and purity without guile and without self-consciousness. From here springs forth the ultimate questions of life, learning and futures.

GENIUS: Discovery

”And though I have the gift of prophecy...” (1 Cor13) - One who shines the light of revelation on the path forward that makes God’s will known in advance. The way is now open for forward movement and progress. The more you see, the more you lead with the confidence that inspires others to find a way forward.

DNA: Prophetiea

One who decodes, defines and declares the elemental reasons why? prophetic insight into the real reason behind failure or success, not what the eye sees but the ability of the eye to see future truth

BLINDSPOT: Religious spirit

Son of Jacob, builder of pyramids, second-in-command of Egypt, Pharaoh’s trusted regent, Prime minister in Egypt of Hebrew descent who foresaw the famine in a dream and took it to heart. Distracted by unseen realm of ancient hostilities away from ancient paths of righteousness and peace (Col 3:5-9). Resulting in cultic mind control, dogmatism and radicalism often expressed in a written manifesto propagating evil in place of good

Fig: Land of Israel

Once we have a clearer understanding of what the "Fig" represents, we can then explore its implications in the context of the prophetic genius. The prophetic genius is a key concept within the 7 Modalities Paradigm, and is associated with the ability to see beyond the surface level, to anticipate future needs, challenges, or opportunities, and to take initiative to address them before they become pressing issues. Therefore, the "Fig" could potentially play a key role in shaping the prophetic genius, influencing the way in which individuals perceive and interpret the world around them, and the actions they take to create positive change.

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