
Name of church: Philadelphia

The one who rules in order to own, who plants his or her flag over territories yet to be explored, the visionary who harnesses the team to say “we’ll press on against all odds”.


”When you come together” (1 Cor 14:26) signals the gathering of the house as a parliament to weigh and discern the thoughts and intentions of the heart, to connect dots in the dealings of Yahweh against the rigidity and slavery of the human heart where self-love exalts in carnal wisdom to the contempt of God and his designs in the earth.


Warring guardian angels who spread their wings of refuge over those chosen in the sovereignty of God to participate in mission critical tasks or operations where higher order obedience meets the purposes of God in a divine adjustment bureau as His permissive will is transformed into His perfect will.


An aspect of the Christian leader that is the litmus test for divine favour and promotion - based on the ability to walk in humble submission to one’s peers in dignity, sobriety and efficiency. Here there is no envy, only an appreciation for differences between individuals that reflect the higher glory and purpose of God’s family of elohim in service to the King.


”If I speak in the tongues of angels…” (1Cor13) the One who presides over the divine council of angels and of men gathered around the table of the Lord to deliberate as a Knesset or parliament over the affairs of the Lamb with respect to the rule of God in heaven over the affairs of men on earth.

DNA: Proistemi

One who is awareness of the ecclesial archetypes and how to restore these gifts from Abba Father as he or she presides over the team through ever-increasing turbulence yet always expanding outward from a hot core completely obsessed with obtaining the mission at all costs and without compromise.


Abuses in the history of this blindspot abound in both volume and quality. The history of proistemi abuse are cataloged and classified daily in the news and chronicles of warfare, business, poor judgement by pilots of industry, in government, by predicators of all stripes and feathers all as a result of neglect of clear principles in violation of brotherly love and the golden rule, namely the lust for glory and dominion over others.

Pomegranate: Commonwealth of Israel

Just as a pomegranate reaches its full potential when it is ripe and its seeds are ready to be sown, a proistemic leader is most effective when they fully understand and leverage the unique modalities of their team. This involves creating an environment where each team member can thrive and contribute their unique gifts, leading to a rich and fruitful harvest of talent and potential.








City of Faith - Ephesus

City of Faith - Smyrna

City of Faith: Pergamon

City of Faith: Thyatira

City of Faith: Sardis

City of Faith: Philadelphia

City of Faith: Laodicea

Fig Tree

Barley Seed

Wheat Kernel

Olive Grove

Palm Tree


Blood of Grapes