
City of Faith: Thyatira

The Spirit brings times of refreshing and makes me lay down in green pastures as divine favour comes in a most unusual and unsolicited way beyond what we ask for or even imagine. The spirit of Thyatira comes alongside to scaffold the fresh and constructive idea asking all the right questions you need to consider as to what make life worth living and why tomorrow will be better than yesterday.


”Each of you has a tongue” (1 Cor 14:26) that opens up new conversations and fresh perspectives inviting Jesus to speak into the circumstance of life, learning and futures where the human intellect and corporate agreement fail to produce the results we are hoping to achieve.


The advocate that opens up opportunities for you to pass the test, who understands your pressure points and arranges a way of escape. He is your lawyer who defends you when your conscience condemns and the one who enables you to fight the good fight and to finish the race. Paracleton battles for inclusion of the solitary into the family of God.


Perseverance is the catalytic facilitator in desired outcomes from heaven’s point of view. The small still voice enables you to go places you never thought possible, to crush enemies many times your strength, to overcome circumstance beyond what you could ask or imagine setting the example for others to experience God’s love and pass it on.

GENIUS: Enable

”If I speak in the tongues of men…” (1 Cor 13) - one called alongside as the Paraclete who scaffolds new ideas in fresh and creative ways opening the door to a new season through spontaneous, spiritual speech that embraces human potential to help the weak endure tough times until the breakthrough comes.

DNA: Parakaleho

One who encourages others to persevere until the finish when ever the going gets tough and the goals seem out of reach, you are the scaffolding that doesn’t get taken down until the project is complete and the project comes to a full stop.

BLINDSPOT: Compromise

Abraham is the go-between in negotiating a settlement when the rebel falls short. Thus Abraham argues for the life of his nephew. And for the sake of one, God relents. The ungrateful soul however continues in league with those to transgress the cosmic order, whose resistance against God and his Word brings him into the spotlight of God’s wrath and severity.

Olive: Spiritual Israel

The parakalectic genius is about seeing and nurturing potential in others. It's about believing in the possibility of growth and transformation, and committing to support that journey in others. This could manifest in various ways, such as a coach or mentor who helps an individual to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals, or a leader who creates opportunities for their team members to develop and thrive.

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