
Based on Business Model Canvas (TM)


The Kingdom Business Model involves working with key partners in various Asian countries, understanding cultural nuances and challenges, and developing strategies to overcome them. Key activities involve imparting proistemic genius to the Elijah fathers and gatekeepers in the cities of faith where Jesus is known and loved. Key resources include human capital and talent from 7Sphere leadership and Global Expeditionary Awards. The value proposition is based on insights found in the restoration of God's image in redeemed humanity. The model focuses on disciple-making and executive mentorship to instil leadership qualities in every individual. The goal is to reach a market of one through targeted marketing strategies and connectivity platforms. The model also involves providing support and resources to overlooked individuals through Direct Assistance to Victims in Trauma (DAVT). Recycling and reusing are important principles for creating a sustainable future.




"Key partners" refers to the individuals or organisations that an outfit works closely with in order to achieve its goals. This can include suppliers, distributors, collaborators, and other strategic partners. In regards to the Kingdom Business Model, it is important to note that our associates are active in various countries across Asia, including but not limited to the four time zones where our associates are active - Pakistan, India, Thailand, and Philippines. These countries are home to a significant number of smart phone users, who are potential customers for our model (excess of 1,261 mil ++). It is essential to understand the cultural nuances and business practices of each country in order to effectively implement our model and foster growth in these markets. Furthermore, we must also consider the potential challenges and obstacles that may arise in each country and develop strategies to overcome them. By doing so, we can ensure the success and sustainability of the Kingdom Business Model in the long term.


"Key activities" refer to the most important tasks or actions that a business or organization must perform in order to achieve its goals and objectives. In the Masters of Arts degree offering we have categorised them according to gates or tracks that must be completed within a certain timeframe based on the lion, ox, eagle, man motif found in Ezekiel and the book of Revelation. These four aspects of the proistemic genius can be imparted best to those already holding to a graduate degree or a gatekeeper with at least 20 years of experience in some form of leadership role in the community.



"Key resources" is a term used in business and refers to the most important assets or inputs that a company relies on to create and deliver its product or service. This can include physical resources such as equipment and facilities, as well as intangible resources like intellectual property and human capital. In King's College, our most valuable resource is the human capital and talent derived from the 7Sphere leadership in each of the gateway cities of Asia. For instance, the youth who come from all over the world to participate in various domains of the Global Expeditionary Awards showcase this potential.

Ephesus - Season of Discovery

Smyrna - Season of Service

Pergamum - Season of Learning

Thyatira - Season of Enablement

Sardis - Season of Restructuring

Philadelphia - Season of Leadership

Laodicea - Season of Compassion