Visit any capital city in Asia, and you might see people starting missions among street children, feeding the poor and downtrodden in the streets, and reaching out to prostitutes and bar girls. However, if you dig deeper, you might find a person named Porn or Tip, or Sam or Kim, who has left their hometown and found "greener pasture" right in your backyard or at the disco next door to your inner-city church.
If you come into contact with a person named Cara or Mandy, you might learn that their earnings flow back to a mother in Harbin or a daughter in a vocational school in Andhra Pradesh. These are "downstream dollars," hard-earned money remitted back home to fund the family's needs. This correlation between the sex worker in the brothel and her family back in the country of origin should give us a clue about how to get to the root of trafficking. Procurement takes place "upstream" of vulnerable girls (and boys) who end up in the big city brothels and bars, walking the very streets where our trauma and rescue teams are active in "downstream" intervention.
about RMB 20,000 which I borrowed to come here. I was really desperate…and regretted coming here…
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“One month after I came here, I was raped by a taxi-driver inside the taxi...after which he asked me to hand over my money to him. Before he raped me, I was struggling with him... and he strangled that moment, I was thinking to myself...this time I would surely die Singapore....I wouldn’t be able to meet my children anymore...I had to submit to him...and managed to escape death...after that I dared not go to the Police...for fear of the shame...I also feared being infected by diseases...the rapist may have done this to many girls before....”