
<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/49de0235-e8bc-4eca-bf20-2a9d6d267a02/86e4c16d-77de-4f4a-a369-93e9219bfb70/IMAGE_2024-02-23_213600.jpg" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/49de0235-e8bc-4eca-bf20-2a9d6d267a02/86e4c16d-77de-4f4a-a369-93e9219bfb70/IMAGE_2024-02-23_213600.jpg" width="40px" /> Eleeos (mercy) - Interventionist - meeting immediate needs, clemency that rescues. The wildcard candidate (altar of sacrifice) reserved in hand for “the big win” as a joker to be played in a time of crisis or emergency where immediate action is required on behalf as a masterful interventionist to staunch the bleeding or mend a broken heart.

The concept of 'Eleemosynary Genius' is a unique and valuable modality within the 7 Modalities Paradigm. An 'Eleemosynary Genius' is not just someone who is exceptionally talented or intelligent in the conventional sense. Instead, this term refers to a person's innate ability to effectively address and manage needs, difficulties, or deficiencies in people, systems, or situations. This capability is not just about having empathy, but also involves a proactive drive to rescue, rebuild, or improve what is broken or lacking. The 'Eleemosynary Genius' is a masterful interventionist, capable of taking decisive action to alleviate pain, suffering, or instability.



If a picture can speak a thousand works, a good _______________ is your secret weapon in bringing the public awareness needed to effect change.

You are the masterful ________________ in a time of crisis and know how to attract and pull in the needed resources to meet the pressing need.

As a practitioner, your insights gained over the many years provides the _______________ that volunteers need to take their first steps on this new journey.

Here are the 7 archetypes and defaults compared and contrasted - “Abba Father’s design from your mother’s womb”



WHO FIXES IT WHEN IT BREAKS? "I will take care of it." Works best under pressure. Ready to help. If it isn't broken, don't fix it? (EL-EE-OS, eleemosynary genius)

Mentorship (EL-EE-OS) orientates rookies on essential standards playing multifaceted role for the well-being of the team. The hallmark of the eleemosynary mindset is as a wildcard candidate that jumps in to rescue the perishing to deal with CHAOS in society addressing pain and suffering but may be unilateral in decision-making, lacking in coordinated action.



Differences between archetypes are like inter-species differences between a fish, an elephant and a humming-bird. But within an animal, vegetable or mineral family, there are intra-differences that can be recognised and studied by an eye that is trained to parse the grammar of personality and distinguish within each archetype patterns that give shape to a particular modal excellence.

You are the wildcard candidate reserved in hand for “the big win” as a joker to be played in a time of crisis or emergency where your immediate action is required as a masterful interventionist to staunch the bleeding or mend a broken heart. You are the positionless position, the wildcard who can deploy any archetype if need be to rescue the team and lift up morale. This is the eleemosynary genius, the gift of the HEART in direct assistance to victims of trauma - masterful intervention, clemency and redemption of the poor and needy.

In an unredeemed context, a zealot who acts unilaterally usually with a "messiah-complex", ie the manifestation of a radically twisted mind bent on the delivery of the most damage to as many people who stand in the way of some doctrine that is held as the gospel truth.

Strengths usually associated with the ELE archetype: