Tax Bib Ped - Goals for Graduate participation in Campus Set-up at King’s College
(1.) Taxonomy - developing subject matter expertise
(2.) Bibliography- curation of learning resource curricula
(3.) Pedagogy -micro-education in context of self-organised learning environments
ASR - Draining Digital Swamplands.pdf
** LRC - Learning Resource Curricula (bibliography). The 2nd didactic pillar is the development of curriculum specialists who have both the breadth and depth required to sort through existing digital vaults including databases of audio, video, print and ebooks, periodicals, monographs, etc including original manuscripts based on research done in subject-specific topics relevant to your purpose.
Sugata Mitra: The child-driven education
*** SOLE - Self-organised Learning Environments (pedagogy). The 3rd didactic pillar surrounds available tech platforms to deliver bespoke syllabus direct to the student cohort. These are coded domain names that provide a secure and stable learning environment for students to access courseware 24 x 7 x 365 via username / password.
Tutorials can also be delivered via email or using creative media such as well-written blogs, vlogs hosted on YouTube, Vimeo, audio books for download and diagnostics at both clinic as well as College level events, seminars, sessions, etc
Quarterly Assessments
At the end of the first 3 months, matriculated students should be able to reflect on two of life’s biggest questions:
(1.) What makes life worth living?
(2.) Why tomorrow will be better?
Your answer should be substantiated by at least 8 examples in the life of biblical characters who lived well under God’s umbrella who were used by God to do exploits and make an impact in their generation
choose examples carefully using the periodic table of human formation using the Mods paradigm of the biblical archetypes
locate where on the chart you think each character can be found, and give reasons
locate where you think you are on the chart and give reasons
Graduation Requirements