<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/fdcae06a-c158-42fa-8b79-aeee360f562f/IMAGE_2022-12-06_185208.jpg" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/fdcae06a-c158-42fa-8b79-aeee360f562f/IMAGE_2022-12-06_185208.jpg" width="40px" /> “Hi I’m John Stahlwert and I’m on a mission to encourage and strengthen leaders around the world who are committed to become as effective and as impactful as they possibly can at making the world better through their leadership.”


What is Serving Leadership

At the end of the workshop, you will:

  1. Learn the holistic Serving Leadership framework which emphasises serving the needs of others rather than learning individual topics that are not “one-off” ie, related to each other.
  2. Gain an overview of the 5 Actions of the Serving Leader Model that are transforming individuals and organisations worldwide.
  3. Discover the relevance of the Serving Leader Model for the Social and Nonprofit Sectors.
  4. Learn the significant impact your organisation's vision has upon employee engagement, and how to transform vision into mission and strategy.
  5. Discover how to identify, define and operationalise core values and embed these values into the every day practices of your employees.
  6. Clarify your central mission focus -what your organisation does best to serve your beneficiaries-and gain discipline in removing barriers and avoiding "mission drift."
  7. Build stronger teams by matching each person's capabilities and passion to assignments where they can contribute most.
  8. Empower your team members through effective delegation so you, your team, and your organisation can reach full potential.

Farmer and soils