

My journey started early (age 14) as my dad brought home a portable computer and did not know how to use it. It had a very small screen but came with a manual on how to write a program. So I did. From there I could not find enough information. I would read manuals, teach myself new programming languages, check out every book in our library. I was coding in assembler by age 18 (poorly LOL) but I still wanted to learn real computer science from experts, so I went to college for that. I loved learning the history, structure and theory and how to code in a clean way vs my very hacky style. Several years into school I reached a point where they could not teach me anything I didnt know. At the time computer science in my area was not a priority and I often could have taught some of the classes. My last day of school my instructor told the class that 56 bit encryption was unbreakable. I challenged him that that was untrue. Then I proved it and brought the code to class the next day. He refused to show the class so I left school that day forever. Note that I was extremely egotistical at this time in my life. I was only a few months from a degree but was also running a successful software company at the time so didnt see the point.

Up until the day Jesus swooped in and stole my heart I consumed everything and every subject. It appears like I have an expertise because for the sake of Jen I focus into one area so we can make a living. Hahah. But I love chemistry, physics, astrophysics, microbiology - I used to read secular books non stop, sometimes a book a day. Specifically - since I can see what is inevitable in tech we make our living there. So most people would consider my specialties to be computer vision and augmented reality, probably with a minor in machine learning hah hah. Neural networks always fascinated me even in college. Now I think they are interesting but we need to go a level deeper. Human neurons themselves compute we now know, which means they are Quantium computers. The only biological quantum computers we know about.

Now the desire to learn those things has slowed down to a crawl. I have a lifetime of books to read on the faith.

For it is Christ's love that fuels our passion and motivates us, because we are absolutely convinced that he has given his life for all of us.

2 Corinthians 5:14a

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