
<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/49de0235-e8bc-4eca-bf20-2a9d6d267a02/5ceadbd7-87fd-49e9-b4c7-c6c53a49df5b/IMAGE_2024-02-23_213619.jpg" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/49de0235-e8bc-4eca-bf20-2a9d6d267a02/5ceadbd7-87fd-49e9-b4c7-c6c53a49df5b/IMAGE_2024-02-23_213619.jpg" width="40px" /> Metadidomi (steward) - Economist - meeting future needs by structuring for growth. The hidden organiser and backbone of society (ark of the covenant) that stands behind genius and empowers it, through meticulous care to details, structures and hygiene thus making room for greater impact.

The 'Organisation Genius' in the 7Modalities Paradigm is a unique concept that represents the 'neck' modality. This modality is associated with control and regulation of the vitals of any system, be it an organism, a family, or an outfit. It's about understanding the world through the lens of efficiency and impact. It involves overseeing processes, ensuring they run smoothly and yield the desired results. This modality is key in many aspects of life, from simple tasks like managing daily routines to complex ones like running a business or leading a team. It requires strategic planning, decision-making skills, and the ability to adapt and respond to changes effectively.



You are a giver but even better than that, you are able to harness the financial potential of others to do ________________.

You are good at being able to organise and structure a program or event by establishing a rear support _______________ to marshal in and free up resources needed for the endeavour.

You like nothing more than for everyone to be ready and prepared for any eventuality. Your greatest fear is to be caught off guard and with your ____________ down, so to speak.



WHO MANAGES THE PROJECT? Putting the resources to work; counting what counts; "But what if we did it this way?" Who do you trust with the assets? (META-DI-DO-MI, metadidomic genius)

Giving (META-DI-DO-MI) makes room for a desired future that people in the organization want to create together in sobriety, dignity and efficiency. The hallmarks of metadidomic brilliance is encapsulated in its obsession with legality, authority and sustainability that deals with inequality in society, addressing wastage but may also result in resource fixation and mission paralysis through abuse or over-use.



Differences between archetypes are like inter-species differences between a fish, an elephant and a humming-bird. But within an animal, vegetable or mineral family, there are intra-differences that can be recognised and studied by an eye that is trained to parse the grammar of personality and distinguish within each archetype patterns that give shape to a particular modal excellence.

At the core, your gift to humanity is as an economist whose mathematical-logical proclivity for numbers and processes sets you apart and prepares you to lead through your management of resources and far-sighted prognosis. Your elemental impact is your innate ability to organise what is at hand to make room for greater efficiency through the optimisation of a highly sophisticated eco-system of cogs and wheels that hum smoothly like a well-oiled engine.

In an unredeemed context - think of the passenger jets slamming into the Twin Towers. The madness and the sustained impact of a 9-11 can only be borne out of the metadidomic proclivity who organises with hyper-efficiency a vast network of inter-linked terror cells to topple governments, bring down electrical power grids, posion city water supplies, or produce biological weapons of mass destruction, were it possible. These are the antichrists that have arisen in history – think of the masterminds in Nazi germany behind the “final solution” and the near extermination of European Jewry during the last century of anti-semitism.

Strengths often associated with the MET: