<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/c08ca9ca-6605-426e-92b7-c957163273d6/6C8736B7-F69C-457C-A13E-3DDC2418E8EF.jpeg" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/c08ca9ca-6605-426e-92b7-c957163273d6/6C8736B7-F69C-457C-A13E-3DDC2418E8EF.jpeg" width="40px" /> “Guido D’Arezzo an academic, pedagogue, theorist, artist and composer, was the first one to deal with the music modality scale. Over a thousand years ago, this Benedictine monk, under the wisdom of God, started to explore and evaluate the character and pattern of the “Seven acoustic music pitches”. He assigned a name to each of them: UT (eventually becomes DO), RE, MI, FA, SOL, LA and SI. This pattern of “seven modalities in the music sound” brought shining light to stimulating and lightening minds to open ears and eyes about it and proceed through amazing ways of musical creation with not limit.
“Then through the centuries, geniuses of the Harmony awaken by God, such as Johann Sebastian Bach, Ludvig van Beethoven and many others, were able to build up music “pieces” for the benefit of all of us. Using his patterns. Until today, the entire world enjoys, and continues to elevate the fruit of “the pattern of seven notes”, a great creation of a visionary, Guido D’Arezzo, who had a massive influence on the development of western musical notation and practice.
“Certainly, since the days of Moses, we have gradually seen how God has exposed us to His higher vision and brought us into a fresher revelation oriented towards the future. This has brought a whole new world of unanswered questions.
“Today, we are faced with an unprecedented masterpiece: "MODALITIES OF LIFE", a manifesto provided under God's anointing, following the pattern of sevens revealed in the Word of God as part of creation from the very beginning.
“This masterpiece highlights seven paradigms in humanness that are anointed for redemption in due time. Each of these paradigms has its own unique strengths, and requires thorough understanding to be accurately executed.
Alvaro & Claudia