<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/fdcae06a-c158-42fa-8b79-aeee360f562f/IMAGE_2022-12-06_185208.jpg" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/fdcae06a-c158-42fa-8b79-aeee360f562f/IMAGE_2022-12-06_185208.jpg" width="40px" /> “Hi I’m John Stahlwert and I’m on a mission to encourage and strengthen leaders around the world who are committed to become as effective and as impactful as they possibly can at making the world better through their leadership.”



Don't Give Your Employees the Dumb End of the Tape! What Leadership Actually IS (EP5)

What the universe is saying?

Who am I serving?

“Hi I’m John Stahlwert and I’m on a mission to encourage and strengthen leaders around the world who are committed to become as effective and as impactful as they possibly can at making the world better through their leadership” (Self-introduction to John Stahl-wert and what he says of himself at the beginning of his Youtube videos)