The master craftsman is at work, shaping the future with artisanal skill. Every move is executed with precision, adding hours of painstaking detail to a plan that is not in front of you but buried deep within your soul. The implementation of this plan is like writing a script or composing a score, where every note and every word is crafted to perfection without hesitation, repetition, or deviation. This level of dedication and discipline is what sets apart those who exceed all expectations from those who fall short.

The first century ecclesia at Smyrna continued their excellent worship despite the ban, and resisted rulers and procurators with martyrdom. This spirit of excellence continued for hundreds of years, as bands of disciples were persecuted and martyred. Their sufferings were borne in the same way as Jesus bore the crown of thorns. Unknown to them at the time, as the survivors observed, “the blood of the martyrs became the seed of the Church”.

The spirit of excellence is entrusted to one of the ruling councilmen in God's court, likely an angel to whom the letter to the church at Smyrna was addressed. This councilman executed God's will with military precision and an unwavering commitment to perfection. It required attention to detail, an unwavering sense of duty, and an unyielding dedication to righteousness. The spirit of excellence demanded the highest standards of integrity, honor, and virtue, inspiring the angel to carry out his duties with unwavering devotion and passion.