
Non-levitical Ordination of Kingdom ministry partners

What is non-levitical ordination? As defined by Paul Khoo, Elijah 7000

A non-levitical ordination is in substance a prophetic act

Non-levitical ordination is within the parameters of what can be considered traditional ecclesiastical ministry. However, their approach and execution may be considered unconventional, as they often push the boundaries and operate at the edges of these traditional parameters. This can be seen as a bold and innovative approach, as it allows for new and unique perspectives to be brought into the fold of traditional religious practices. By operating at the edge of conventional ecclesiastical ministry, non-levitical is sometimes able to reach a wider audience and engage with individuals who may have otherwise been overlooked or uninterested in traditional religious practices.

The possibility of change within the church structure can sometimes lead to apprehension among those who rely on it to order their spiritual life. Given the important role that the church plays in the lives of many people, it is understandable why some may feel uneasy about any potential alterations to its structure. However, it is important to remember that change can also bring about positive outcomes and growth. Therefore, while changes to the church structure may seem daunting, it is important to approach them with an open mind and a willingness to adapt and grow.

There is no doubt that corporate witness to God's anointing and appointing of people to ministry outside the church structures is a valid form of ministry. It serves to recognize the work of the Holy Spirit and to affirm those who are called into ministry. In this sense, it is a powerful tool for building up the body of Christ and spreading the gospel. However, it is important to note that such a witness should be exercised with caution and discernment, as it can be subject to human error and manipulation. Therefore, it is essential that those who participate in such ministry do so with a humble and teachable spirit, seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit at all times. In this way, the corporate witness becomes a means of grace for the individuals involved, as well as the wider church community.

The act of extending corporate cover and blessing to each member in the family not only affirms their unique place and role, but also serves as a powerful tool in consecrating and commissioning the family to their missional field and calling. By recognizing the individual strengths and talents of each family member, this act fosters a sense of unity and shared purpose that can be instrumental in achieving success in their endeavors. It also serves to deepen the family's commitment to their mission, as they are reminded of their collective responsibility to serve others and make a positive impact on the world. Furthermore, this practice can help to establish a strong sense of identity and belonging within the family, which can be particularly valuable during times of transition or challenge. Overall, extending corporate cover and blessing is a powerful tool for strengthening families and empowering them to live out their calling in a meaningful and impactful way.

How does it differ from regular ordination?

The concept of non-levitical ordination is not new, but it is often overlooked in traditional religious institutions. Levitical ordination is a formal process that involves a set of prescribed rituals and requirements, often centred around a specific religious tradition or institution. Non-levitical ordination, on the other hand, is focused on recognising the unique gifts and talents of individuals, regardless of their background or affiliation.


Our goal in non-levitical ordination is to help gifted individuals discover their genius and use it to make a difference in the world.

A fundamental concept that has been part of human society for centuries is the recognition of the unique gifts and talents that individuals possess. This recognition not only validates the value of each person, but also creates a sense of responsibility to use these gifts for the betterment of society. As such, individuals are commissioned to serve others using their unique talents and abilities. This concept is at the core of many religious and philosophical teachings, and is a driving force for positive change in the world.