"The Elemental You" refers to the original design of each person from their mother's womb, endowed with seven natural gifts from heaven above. These gifts are the default wiring that separates humans from the animal kingdom and identifies them as part of the family of species created in the "image of him who created him" (Col 3:10).
The "Modalities of Life" are seven-fold intelligences found innately from birth: Discover, Serve, Teach, Enable, Give, Lead, and Rescue. Each chapter of this book focuses on a different aspect of these modalities, including preparation for the future, artisanal excellence, disambiguation, the unfolding of history, order and structure, breakthrough, and rescue.
This book is an exploration of the seven natural gifts that each person is endowed with from birth. These gifts, known as the "Modalities of Life", include Discover, Serve, Teach, Enable, Give, Lead, and Rescue. Each chapter of the book delves into a different aspect of these modalities, such as preparation for the future, artisanal excellence, disambiguation, the unfolding of history, order and structure, breakthrough, and rescue.
These natural endowments are what sets humans apart from the animal kingdom and identifies them as part of the family of species created in the "image of him who created him" (Col 3:10). They are innate intelligences found within every individual from birth. By exploring and developing these modalities, individuals can tap into their full potential and make a positive impact on the world around them.