
<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/49de0235-e8bc-4eca-bf20-2a9d6d267a02/038f03f9-7193-4d0b-9580-228f0894209e/IMAGE_2024-02-23_213613.jpg" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/49de0235-e8bc-4eca-bf20-2a9d6d267a02/038f03f9-7193-4d0b-9580-228f0894209e/IMAGE_2024-02-23_213613.jpg" width="40px" /> Parakaleho (enable) - Potentialist - scaffolding for performance. The one who enables and encourages others to new levels in the performance of achievement and fulfilment as a coach (table of shewbread) would, standing alongside to scaffold boys to men, the savage to gentlemanly behaviour, from ground zero to cap n gown.

The "parakalectic genius" is a nuanced term that, despite its rarity in mainstream discourse, enriches our understanding of human potential, resilience, and transformative growth within the context of human interaction and personal development.

At its core, the parakalectic genius is about seeing and nurturing potential in others, particularly in those who may be overlooked or undervalued by society. It's about believing in the possibility of growth and transformation, and committing to support that journey in others. This could manifest in various ways, such as a coach or mentor who helps an individual to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals, or a leader who creates opportunities for their team members to develop and thrive.



The premise is that everyone has something to give, that there is no such thing as a __________________ idea, that each voice has a right to be heard and to be taken seriously.

You have hundreds, possibly thousands of _______________ like ships in anchorage waiting to off-load precious cargo by turn and in sequence.

You have the uncanny ability to speak extempore. You think on your feet and new ideas pop up every time you open your _______________.

Here are the 7 archetypes and defaults compared and contrasted - “Abba Father’s design from your mother’s womb”



WHO KEEPS YOU GOING? "We can do this!" "What is bothering you?" "How can I help?" Who is the cheerleader? Who is the trusted confidante? (PARA-KA-LE-HO, parakalyctic genius)

Coaching (PARA-KA-LE-HO) builds trusting relationships by explaining your viewpoint and listening to understand other viewpoints, cultivating supportive networks. The hallmark of parakalyctic brilliance is founded in the default natural ability to integrate situational knowledge into the existing paradigm to deal with hopelessness in society, tackling heart sickness in the team by managing false expectations and meaninglessness.



Differences between archetypes are like inter-species differences between a fish, an elephant and a humming-bird. But within an animal, vegetable or mineral family, there are intra-differences that can be recognised and studied by an eye that is trained to parse the grammar of personality and distinguish within each archetype patterns that give shape to a particular modal excellence.

Your principal genius is your ability to build bridges with your winsome and persuasive manner. You are the village therapist, the guidance counselor and the performance coach able to ask the right questions to bring out the best in others and help them understand what makes life worth living and why tomorrow is better than yesterday.

In an unredeemed setting, the parakalyctic archetype is consistently embracing the fresh and new idea to incorporate into the the existing paradigm in order to harmonize and level the playing field. There is no one belief structure better than another, all are sons of the gods and every path leads to paradise, heaven, utopia or nirvana as the case may be. Here is the universalist who is likely to see religion as a fruit-cocktail of ideals that should be given equal air-time.

Strengths often associated with the PAR: