King's College Singapore, an extension campus of an OIKOS sponsored online theology institute, will introduce a new learning platform called Gnowbe at the CNX Accelerator event in September 2023. The goal is to promote higher-order thinking and make Christian higher education accessible on a zero tuition fee basis. During the new student orientation, it is important to review current practices to identify areas for improvement that align with the ethos of the online campus. New initiatives should also be introduced to enhance the overall experience for students and ensure access to necessary resources.

Our plans are:

(1.) Offer travel scholarships to select stakeholders and student facilitators so they can meet the Deanery and provide feedback from the 2020-2022 seasons.

(2.) Research how useful and feasible it is to use micro-learning platforms both on and off Zoom.

(3.) Add new courses like Biblical Heuristics, Culture Care, and Graduate Research methodologies to the academic mix for the first 15 candidates who will go from ground zero to cap n’ grow by 2025. The rest of the student will graduate in turn in batches of 15 over a period of 3 - 5 years per cohort.