
CHAPTER 8 - The Parakalyctic Bridge-builder

(8.) The more we are together

Executive summary: This chapter discusses the role of the parakalyctic bridge-builder and high-performance coach in building relational bridges between individuals and groups, fostering collaboration and innovation, and helping teams to achieve their full potential. The Bridge-builder must explore blind spots and biases, both in themselves and in others, and cultivate a spirit of love and compassion. The document also discusses the potential blind spots of the PAR, including malice, the myth of homogeneity, and discrimination. To avoid these blind spots, the Bridge-builder must work to create a more inclusive and connected community.

The more we are together

Fingerprints of God in human history is the unfolding life blood of story. History is His story, an unfolding, progressive revelation that assures you with each passing day that uncovers more and more evidence of an unseen work of God - hearts and minds advancing up to higher ground, together.

One of the key responsibilities of the Bridge-builder is to explore blind spots and biases, both in themselves and in others. By recognising and addressing these blind spots, the Bridge-builder can help to create a more inclusive and collaborative environment for all. This requires a willingness to listen to and value different perspectives, as well as a commitment to personal growth and development.

In addition to exploring blind spots, the Bridge-builder must also be mindful of the potential for malice to creep into their work. This can manifest as a focus on "us vs them" polemic, a zero-sum game mentality, or ethnocentricity, prejudice, and discrimination. To avoid this blindspot, the Bridge-builder must cultivate a spirit of love and compassion, seeking to understand and empathise with those who may have different perspectives or experiences. The bridge-builder should work to build bridges between individuals and groups rather than perpetuating divisions.

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A parakalyctic bridge-builder is an individual who strives to connect people who have different perspectives or backgrounds. This person builds bridges between individuals, groups, or organisations that may have previously been divided.

In addition to being a bridge-builder, this person is also a high-performance coach. They have the ability to motivate, inspire and encourage individuals to push beyond their limits and achieve their goals.

The combination of the bridge-builder and high-performance coach creates a powerful force for positive change. They work to break down barriers and create a more inclusive and collaborative environment for all.

In summary, the parakalyctic bridge-builder and high-performance coach is a person who builds bridges between people and motivates them to achieve their full potential.

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Here are three contemporary examples of the parakalyctic genius:

  1. Brené Brown is a researcher, speaker, and author who has become a leading voice on topics such as vulnerability, courage, and empathy. Brown's work is focused on helping people to embrace their imperfections and cultivate deeper connections with others. She has been recognized for her leadership in this area with numerous awards, including the Time 100 list and the RSA Benjamin Franklin Award.
  2. Nick Vijicic, a parakalyctic genius, has inspired millions worldwide with his story of overcoming incredible odds. Born without arms or legs, Nick has faced numerous challenges but refuses to let his physical limitations hold him back. As a motivational speaker and author, his focus is on helping people embrace imperfections and cultivate deeper connections. By sharing his personal story and connecting with others. His message of hope and resilience has touched countless lives, inspiring them to pursue their dreams and overcome challenges.