AGENDA for Thirty-First Annual Review (AGM31)

Annual review by Chairman, Secretary & Treasurer’s report. Once quorum is reached, we can begin. Let's change how we handle the "Roll Call" and "Confirmation of Minutes" this year to save time and improve efficiency. Instead of individually calling out names, we'll do a "silent roll" call at 10.45 am during tea break. (note 1.) To ensure leanness to our electoral roll, members who miss more than 3 Annual General Meetings (AGMs) without apology will be automatically removed from the membership list. (note 2.) If you don't want to be listed as being “present” in the minutes of meeting, please text us right away. If we don't hear from you by COB we'll assume you are “present” and list you accordingly. (note 3.) Let us know if you want to report an error in the "minutes of meeting". If we don't hear from you by AOB, we'll assume you're okay with the minutes as they were recorded in last year's annual review.

0945 Pre-flight zoom cockpit - Gym’ers to enable “live” zoom recording on an “unlisted” setting in Youtube.

1000 Torah Portion with Q & A - Dr Jonathan Sng to lead Family Gate in the Torah portion readings for the week.

1045 Court adjourns for 15 mins - Silent roll call and confirmation of minutes. Tea/coffee break.

1100 Worship items by Nations Gate - showcasing the gregarious, coordinated, joyful Filipino in victory over our enemies and for the bounty of the past year’s harvest.

1115 Tu B'Shevat by Rev Paul Khoo - based on the ancient Jewish custom of paying the temple tax from the proceeds of a previous harvest (“Fruit-day” celebration).

1145 Treasurer’s report by Kexin Yu additional commentary by YiHui Teo

1215 AOB: Vision Boarding (Westwing) - discussion of course of action for Westwing 173a/b Geylang Road S(389245) followed by closing prayers. 1300 COB followed by cheese board & sandwich bar.

![Tetramorph 40 x 40 series by Macky Bongabong, Hebraic Art Gallery in Geylang Photo credits : MHB artist-in-residency program, King’s College Singapore

Tetramorph 40 x 40 series by Macky Bongabong, Hebraic Art Gallery in Geylang [Photo credits : MHB artist-in-residency program, King’s College Singapore

Warmly brought to you by the Oikos Fellowship in Geylang, in collaboration with and Singapore.

We feel so blessed to be working alongside fellow red dot believers, discovering our individual purpose and creating divine harmony nationwide. His word guides us, helping us to majulah where we've been planted, perfectly timed for this season of “open doors”. We find our shalom in His voice, and time seems to jalan in divine sequence. In this shared mission and pursuit of God's wisdom, I warmly welcome you!

AGM31 (Interim report)


West Wing Projects at 173a

West-wing Interiors

Jesus’ Keys (1 Cor 4:15)