Geylang Bless God (GBG) is located at 175 a/b Geylang Road, Singapore, sharing the location with Oikos Fellowship.
The idea for this small church started 30 years ago in my heart in the Upper Serangoon Area. In our first ten years (our Season of Discovery), we received the call to "go where the durians are." In the next ten years (our Season of Service), we felt guided to "go where nobody wants to go, stay until we are told to leave, and never ask when that will be" (Frank Laubach).
As Jesus said, "please return keys in the same place where you found them for the next user!" - Gerard Seow
Incorporated in 1992, we started walking the streets about 18 yrs when we were shifted into Geylang. Before we got the keys to our 389247 prayer centre we piloted a church planting movement among Filipino domestic workers that realised a dream to be an Antioch-type (reverse-missions) sending agency. Today, because of our work among the Children under the Bridge in one of Jakarta's most criminalised drug, crime and prostitution areas we continue in the same Messiah-centred tradition of our founding fathers enabling total church resources to flow without hindrance so as to be nurtured in fresh ideas that enlarge our capacity for constructive change.
We have not more than 4000 sq ft of space, about 2 floors of a typical Singapore shophouse where we explore the interface between local, non-local and extra-local needs of the community in the context of a red-light district. We can accommodate about 20-25 live in students in a basecamp setting complete with high-speed internet, love kitchen, a small research library, a conference room that doubles up as a worship sanctuary with a capacity of around 40 to 50 theatre-style or 25 to 30 in the round (per session).
We recognise the urgency of the hour in which every day counts and every one serves to build ourselves up in the most holy faith of Moses, Jesus and Paul. We absolutely love the way God has been leading our little flock into blue ocean opportunities to become the gospel village He is calling us to, as we provide a listening ear to the women and children in prostitution and a shoulder for all in trouble to cry on.
Experience God’s love and pass it on
Various individuals and entities are part of the distribution list, including but not limited to OneTwenty Ministries, Acacia Ministries, Genesis Architect, Indie Architect, Love Singapore, Elijah 7000, MiracleManna, OneEcclesia, Maestro Music, DAVT Ordination, PrayerProjection, Ops Budget $, City of Faith, Gospel Light, Pilgrims to Israel, Giving Vision, Serving Leaders, Melchizedek, No20 (CLS), CNX Accelerator, IST Accelerator, OATH Philippines, VGN Accelerator, DVO Accelerator, UBA Accelerator, King’s College, FUK Accelerator, Nations Gate Oikos, GEA, Set-free Sunday, Servant Intern, Brent Baguio, and Geylang.
OneTwenty Ministries - Pat Ow Acacia Ministries - Norma Sit Genesis Architect - Rudy Taslim Indie Architect - David Chung Love Singapore - Stanley Ow Elijah 7000 - Jason Wong SY (Council) Elijah 7000 - Albert & Alison Lim (Council) Elijah 7000 - David & Amy Ang (Council) Elijah 7000 - Bryan Tan (Council) Elijah 7000 - Paul Khoo Elijah 7000 - ChanVee Elijah 7000 - WeeSong Lee Elijah 7000 - Tim Wong Elijah 7000 - JennYoong Elijah 7000 - Ying Hwee Elijah 7000 - Jason Wong M.K. Elijah 7000 - Wee Boon Choon Elijah 7000 - Timothy Wong Elijah 7000 - Chris Guo Jun Elijah 7000 - Ben Chan MiracleManna - Joyce Seow MiracleManna - Cyril Seah OneEcclesia - Christine Seah Nations Gate Oikos - Audrey & Harry Lai Nations Gate Oikos - KokWee Phua Nations Gate Oikos - Larry & Paige Lim Nations Gate Oikos - Andrew Yap GEA - Mart Henry Bongabong GEA - Caroline Bordingnon GEA - Tzi Yan GEA - Ruth Katharyn Peh
Maestro Music - Alvaro & Claudia Sanchez DAVT Ordination - Linda Lee DAVT Ordination - Hwee Ping DAVT Ordination - Seow JinChong PrayerProjection - Jonathan Sng, Charis Seow Prayer Projection - Han & Sherrie Prayer Projection - Kexin Yu Prayer Projection - YiHui Teo Ops Budget $ - Daphne Lim Ops Budget $ - Bill Lim Ops Budget $ - Ben Lee Ops Budget $ - Rachel Soh City of Faith - Ramu & Cherissa City of Faith - Eunice & HaoGuang City of Faith - Han Ting & Xue Ting City of Faith - Nurmatha City of Faith - Jolyn Wah City of Faith - Claire Po City of Faith - Nick Tan City of Faith - Joyce Ang City of Faith - Evelyn & Melvin Servant Intern - Eng Kwang Servant Intern - Cmdr Heng Brent Baguio - Alex Carpenter Brent Baguio - Aana Seow *Geylang - Mary Soh *Geylang - Cecilia Ee *Geylang - Sam Goh *ORU - Kyle & Vicky McCarter *ORU - Christian Montgomery *ORU - Priscilla Montgomery *ORU - Nora Fong
Gospel Light - David Lim Pilgrims to Israel - Prof Yeo & Ping Giving Vision - Greg & Pat Vijayendran 50days prayer - Mirimba Giam Serving Leaders - Kevin Lee Melchizedek - Laurent Favre No20 (CLS) - David & Lena Lampe No20 (CLS) - Estelle No20 (CLS) - John Dunn No20 (CLS) - Chloe Dunn *No20 (CLS) - Derrick Lindley No20 (CLS) - Hew Priday CNX Accelerator - Peter Tiong CNX Accelerator - Cheyenne Seah CNX Accelerator - Eleanor Seah CNX Accelerator - Anita Duplessis CNX Accelerator - Thea Eugenie *CNX Accelerator - Noventy Tampubolon *CNX Accelerator - Lalithadavid Unnamatla *CNX Accelerator - Saran Singh CNX Accelerator - Neziel Venuya CNX Accelerator - Mimi Lee IST Accelerator - Alma Manzanilla IST Accelerator - AnnieFee IST Accelerator - Tracy Pacis IST Accelerator - PohLin Loh IST Accelerator - Jahziel Culala IST Accelerator - Aaron Chooi Set-free Sunday - Stephanie Seow Set-free Sunday - Gennu Seow Set-free Sunday - Joshua Lee Set-free Sunday - Ignatius Ho
*OATH Philippines - Rowena Law-agey *OATH Philippines - Spider Bayongan *OATH Philippines - Paz Concan *OATH Philippines - Janette Baroro *OATH Philippines - Rafael Esposa *OATH Philippines - Chris Manzano VGN Accelerator - Ria Cuagat VGN Accelerator - Feve Gib-awen VGN Accelerator - Minda Anuma VGN Accelerator - Joel Olayvar VGN Accelerator - Joseph Colal VGN Accelerator - Rusty Macanas DVO Accelerator - Joel Apas DVO Accelerator - Lopez Bamboa Ginger DVO Accelerator - Jocelyn Lagumbay DVO Accelerator - Henry Lagumbay DVO Acceleartor - Mavic Dacles Laluna DVO Accelerator - Pastor LaLuna UBA Accelerator - Dr Shirley Tan UBA Accelerator - Dr Alfred Hermosilla King’s College - Mike Wiesteska King’s College - Tess Wiesteska King’s College - Preecha Jengjalern King’s College - Lianne Soh FUK Accelerator - Sharon Corbett FUK Accelerator - Ki Fujinaka FUK Accelerator - Tokiko Urano FUK Accelerator - Stephanie Corbett