
Symbolism of the Olive in 7Seeds Modalities

The Olive and Spiritual Israel

The Olive tree is a profound symbol of Spiritual Israel, deeply rooted in biblical teachings and metaphors. In Romans 11:17-24, the Apostle Paul describes the process of grafting wild olive branches (Gentiles) into a cultivated olive tree (Israel), signifying the inclusion of believers from all nations into the spiritual family of Israel. This divine act of grafting creates a unified body in Christ, transcending cultural and ethnic boundaries.

The olive tree's resilience and ability to thrive under meticulous care and traditional methods serve as a metaphor for the spiritual family of Israel. Just as the olive tree flourishes through careful nurturing, the spiritual family of Israel thrives through faith and adherence to divine teachings. This unity and diversity within the body of believers embody the biblical vision of one new man in Messiah.

Spiritual Israel and Thyatira

The Church of Thyatira is likened to an olive tree, symbolising the integration of diverse believers into a unified spiritual body. The mantle of enablement, signifying divine empowerment, is bestowed upon believers to fulfill their spiritual calling and contribute effectively to the faith community's growth and development.

This divine empowerment encourages the seamless inclusion and activation of diverse gifts and talents within the church. The spiritual family of Israel is strengthened through mutual support and encouragement, much like an olive tree benefits from careful pruning and nurturing. This collective effort reinforces individual faith and solidifies the unity and resilience of the entire body, aligning with the essence of divine empowerment described in the scriptures.

In summary, the olive tree serves as a fitting symbol for the Church of Thyatira, illustrating its mission of restoration, protection, and integration. The transformative power of faith in God's ability to turn isolation into fellowship, vulnerability into strength, and diversity into unity reflects the church's role in nurturing a harmonious and empowered community.


Thyatira was a church that was growing in love and service, yet it tolerated the false prophetess Jezebel. The modern-day parallel is the challenge of holding to sound doctrine and moral purity without becoming legalistic or judgmental. It's about effecting change without compromising on the truth of the gospel.

graph TD
    B[Olive, spiritual Israel] -->|Rev 2:18 - Thyatira| Thyatira
    B -->|Scientific Name: Olea europaea| Olea[Olea europaea]

Scientific name: Olea europaea.

The Olive and Spiritual Israel

Spiritual Israel at Thyatira

Church at Thyatira

Thyatira is the Fourth of seven communities mentioned in Rev 2-3. Its guardian, the angel Parakleton, is noted for its stand against the sectarian and party spirit within the City of faith. Instead of sowing division, the angel fosters a spirit of inclusion and miraculous oneness to overcome xenophobia and racial prejudice. This is the parakalyctic genius that scaffolds new ideas and encourages fresh perspectives by building bridges at the table of open conversation where asking right questions coupled with effective listening brings about true fellowship beyond “eating and drinking” into the realm of “righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit” (Rom 14:17).

Curious George








City of Faith - Ephesus

City of Faith - Smyrna

City of Faith: Pergamon

City of Faith: Thyatira

City of Faith: Sardis

City of Faith: Philadelphia

City of Faith: Laodicea

Fig Tree

Barley Seed

Wheat Kernel

Olive Grove

Palm Tree


Blood of Grapes