<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/c6cd8a39-fe2f-4d07-bbf2-6668d2e29030/D870C887-3AB5-44C5-9298-C8FA5BC83DB4.jpeg" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/c6cd8a39-fe2f-4d07-bbf2-6668d2e29030/D870C887-3AB5-44C5-9298-C8FA5BC83DB4.jpeg" width="40px" /> Matriculation courseware M1, M2, M3. Interlinear studies, Modalities for life, Ancient hostilities (War on Saints)

Matriculation is important for assessing fit and ensuring students have necessary skills for academic success. In a missional university context, study of biblical languages, human formation, and spiritual warfare are interconnected and can equip students to serve their communities effectively and engage in spiritual warfare with wisdom and discernment.


Welcome to "Ancient Hostilities", an integral part of the matriculation process for your First Year graduate studies at King's College Seminary. This course, designed specifically for pastors with a decade or more of experience in Christian service, aims to delve deeper into the spiritual aspects of our faith.

This module will challenge you to stand firm against the adversities that confront us - represented metaphorically as the 'spirit of the unclean'. As we engage in theological discourse, we will seek to understand the various voices and messages that permeate our world, some of which are fueled by teachings divergent from the gospel we uphold.

We will delve into the complexities of power and allegiance, questioning who is truly on our side when we align ourselves with God's teachings. This question is echoed in the biblical phrase, "If God is for us, who can be against us?"

Our exploration will also lead us into the narratives of the donkey and the prophet, symbolising the struggle between desire for worldly wealth and the divine intervention that guides us towards righteousness. This course will provoke thought on the humbling experiences of good men and the contrasting behaviors of the obedient sheep and the defiant goat, metaphors for the divergent paths in spiritual journeys.

As part of this module, we will investigate the intricate relationship between spiritual warfare, biblical languages, and human formation. Our goal is to equip you with a more profound understanding and the necessary skills to serve your communities more effectively and engage in spiritual warfare with wisdom and discernity.

Apologetics from the ground up: Idris Jala on Christmas

Graduate Thesis Track

Module-3 Ancient Hostilities

Viewer’s Guide for M3

Supernatural Seminar (Heiser)

Link to Dean Briggs’s book on the Ecclesia