WELT, formerly known as N24, is Germany's most popular news channel. It is a beacon of quality journalism, attracting a large viewership with its comprehensive news coverage and attractive programming.
WELT is renowned for its quality journalism. The channel's newsroom is staffed with experienced journalists who are committed to delivering accurate and unbiased news. WELT's journalists go to great lengths to verify the information they report, ensuring that viewers receive the most reliable news.
In addition to its news coverage, WELT offers a variety of attractive programming. This includes talk shows, documentaries, and special reports on a range of topics, from politics and business to culture and science. The channel's programming is designed to be both informative and engaging, providing viewers with in-depth analysis of current events and issues.
WELT's commitment to quality journalism and attractive programming has made it a trusted source of news for viewers in Germany and beyond. The channel's popularity is a testament to the value of its work in informing the public and contributing to a well-informed society.
Das Pergamonmuseum in Berlin zählt zu den beeindruckendsten Sehenswürdigkeiten der Stadt. Allerdings ist das Gebäude, das seit 100 Jahren nicht renoviert wurde, in einem bedenklichen Zustand und droht zu verfallen. Im Oktober 2023 wird das Museum "vorübergehend" für rund 15 Jahre geschlossen - ein umfangreicher Umbau und die Sanierung des Gebäudes beginnt. Insgesamt sind fast 18 Jahre angesetzt, um dieses Weltkulturerbe zu retten. Bevor viele Kunstwerke für Jahre in den Lagern verschwinden, werfen wir einen letzten Blick hinter die Kulissen, um die Schätze zu bewundern, bevor die Mega-Renovierung beginnt.
The Pergamon Museum in Berlin, a World Heritage Site, will close in October 2023 for a 15-year renovation due to its 100-year-old, decayed state. This 18-year project aims to preserve the museum's impressive attractions. Before the closure, we'll explore the museum's treasures in a behind-the-scenes tour.
PERGAMONMUSEUM BERLIN: Geschlossen bis 2037! Ein Exklusiver Einblick in den Umbau | WELT Reportage