[Editor’s note: There are 7 prophetic colours purple, blue, orange, green, pink, grey and red in the Mamlakah series. I’ve written about it below. Each colour represents the law given to Adam through Creation, the 7 natural laws (of eye, of hand, of ear, of tongue, of neck, of head, of heart) given to us as discerning (Latin “sapio”) the heavens above. These natural endowments tell the providential history of fear, honour and interest as nations rise up against nations until the final apocalypse. These are our inalienable rights, to life, liberty and the property of a conscience preserved through it all.]
There are 7 prophetic colours [purple], [blue], [orange], [green], [pink], [steel] and [red] in this Mamlakah series.
Each colour represents the natural laws given to Adam at the Creation of the world. These 7 natural laws [of eye], [of hand], [of ear], [of tongue], [of neck], [of head], [of heart] are given to us as discerning the heavens above.
These natural endowments are our inalienable rights - to life, liberty and conscience that tell the providential history of the Homo sapiens from beginning to end.
There is a hidden and latent design to everything we do. We are wired that way. It is our birth-right from Eden. These elemental archetypes determine the movement, flow, timing and energy of your human mass, acceleration and impact. Find out what God is saying and do it. Lay aside every weight to run (Heb 12:1)
Sober-minded thinking about one's self, and the dignity we give to each other, whether in marriage, family or a milestone project advances in the Kingdom (Heb. mamlakah) in hearts and mind, for the things not seen are eternal, (2 Cor 4:18).
Analysis of the Seven Colours in the Bible
What the Colours are speaking to me.docx