

╔═══════════ KING'S COLLEGE SEMINARY [5-Year Educational Journey]══════════════╗
║                                                                              ║
║                              Preceptorship Program                           ║
║                                                                              ║
║    Seminary Studies     ║    Thesis Research     ║       Non-Levitical       ║
║     (Year 1-3)          ║     (Year 4)           ║       Ordination          ║
║                         ║                        ║                           ║
║    ENTRY LEVELS:        ║    Research Question:  ║       DAVT (Year 5)       ║
║    M1: Interlinear      ║    "I help...          ║       Final Phase         ║
║    M2: Modalities       ║     to...by..."        ║                           ║
║    M3: Unseen Realm     ║                        ║                           ║
║                         ║                        ║                           ║
║    7 Mountains          ║    Literature Review   ║       Ordination          ║
║    7 Archetypes         ║    Methodology         ║       Ceremony            ║
║    7 Movements          ║    Data Analysis       ║       Certification       ║
║                         ║                        ║                           ║
║    FOURS PILLAR:        ║    DEFENCE:            ║       PLACEMENT:          ║
║    Servant Leadership   ║    Oral Presentation   ║       Ministry            ║
║    Malachi 4:4-6        ║    Written Submission  ║       Assignment          ║
║    Lion,Ox,Eagle,Man    ║    Final Defence       ║                           ║

                             Support Components & Resources                                    
║    Research        ║     SOLE           ║    Assessment      ║    Student         ║
║    Development     ║     Learning       ║    Framework       ║    Services        ║
║                    ║                    ║                    ║                    ║
║    C-BAM System    ║     Academics      ║    ORCID ID        ║    Municipality    ║
║    Ref. Library    ║     Impact Study   ║    Diagnostics     ║    Advisory Board  ║
║    Notion Platform ║     Self-Study     ║    Thesis Review   ║    Logistics Team  ║

† C-BAM: Challenge-based Agile Management Framework
* SOLE: Self-organised Learning Environment with Integrated Assessment
* Assessment includes continuous evaluation and milestone achievements

Invitation to Preceptorship in King’s College Seminary

Academics & Admissions at the Seminary Gate

<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/49de0235-e8bc-4eca-bf20-2a9d6d267a02/86cf3e6e-0d15-458d-a434-e1be4e189db6/kings_college_skinny.png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/49de0235-e8bc-4eca-bf20-2a9d6d267a02/86cf3e6e-0d15-458d-a434-e1be4e189db6/kings_college_skinny.png" width="40px" /> As custodians of the discipline and study of life's modalities, we have journeyed through the intricate mappings of the Bible's pattern of sevens. We now understand these as unique paradigms or gift-modalities that shape human formation. Harnessing these modalities, we have become more effective agents of change and leaders within our organizations and communities.

We've adopted the seven-branched menorah as a symbol for these paradigms - a beacon casting light on various facets of our lives and work. Fully integrating these seven modalities into our personal and professional endeavors has allowed us to approach leadership and personal growth from a holistic perspective, fostering positive change in our surroundings.

Now, as we stand at the threshold of passing on these truths, we extend this knowledge to you - the next generation of founders and creators. We trust that with time, you too will take these teachings, apply them, and pass them on, continuing the cycle of illumination, growth, and change.


(0.) Modalities of Life

(1.) Jewish Iconography of Sevens

(2.) Pattern according to Moses

(2.) Pattern according to Moses

(3.) Purple, Blue, Orange, Green, Pink, Steel, Red

(4.) Reading Moses, seeing Jesus

(4.) Reading Moses, seeing Jesus

(5.) I did it my way

(6.) You’ve got a friend

(7.) Keep it simple but no simpler

(8.) The more we are together

(9.) I can see clearly now

(10.) Nobody does it better