Graduate research involves digging deep, examining core ideas, and rebuilding knowledge foundations through careful investigation and methodical strengthening.


╔═══════════ KING'S COLLEGE SEMINARY [5-Year Educational Journey]══════════════╗
║                                                                              ║
║                              Preceptorship Program                           ║
║                                                                              ║
║    Seminary Studies     ║    Thesis Research     ║       Non-Levitical       ║
║     (Year 1-3)          ║     (Year 4)           ║       Ordination          ║
║                         ║                        ║                           ║
║    ENTRY LEVELS:        ║    Research Question:  ║       DAVT (Year 5)       ║
║    M1: Interlinear      ║    "I help...          ║       Final Phase         ║
║    M2: Modalities       ║"        ║                           ║
║    M3: Unseen Realm     ║                        ║                           ║
║                         ║                        ║                           ║
║    7 Mountains          ║    Literature Review   ║       Ordination          ║
║    7 Archetypes         ║    Methodology         ║       Ceremony            ║
║    7 Movements          ║    Data Analysis       ║       Certification       ║
║                         ║                        ║                           ║
║    FOURS PILLAR:        ║    DEFENCE:            ║       PLACEMENT:          ║
║    Servant Leadership   ║    Oral Presentation   ║       Ministry            ║
║    Malachi 4:4-6        ║    Written Submission  ║       Assignment          ║
║    Lion,Ox,Eagle,Man    ║    Final Defence       ║                           ║

                             Support Components & Resources                                    
║    Research        ║     SOLE           ║    Assessment      ║    Student         ║
║    Development     ║     Learning       ║    Framework       ║    Services        ║
║                    ║                    ║                    ║                    ║
║    C-BAM System    ║     Academics      ║    ORCID ID        ║    Municipality    ║
║    Ref. Library    ║     Impact Study   ║    Diagnostics     ║    Advisory Board  ║
║    Notion Platform ║     Self-Study     ║    Thesis Review   ║    Logistics Team  ║

† C-BAM: Challenge-based Agile Management Framework
* SOLE: Self-organised Learning Environment with Integrated Assessment
* Assessment includes continuous evaluation and milestone achievements

Invitation to Preceptorship in King’s College Seminary

Academics & Admissions at the Seminary Gate

    title Graduating Cohort Preparation for Winter Graduation 2025
    dateFormat  YYYY-MM-DD
    axisFormat  %b %Y
    section Thesis Process
    Thesis Submission (June):done, june, 2025-06-01, 30d
    Final Submission (July):done, july, 2025-07-01, 30d
    section Committee Review
    Initial Assessment:active, assess, 2025-08-01, 30d
    Feedback & Revisions:active, feedback, 2025-09-01, 30d
    Defense Preparation:active, defense, 2025-10-01, 30d
    Final Approval:active, approval, 2025-11-01, 30d
    section Graduation
    Graduation Ceremony:crit, milestone, grad, 2025-12-01, 10d
    %% Color coding indicates progress status
    %% "done" - completed tasks
    %% "active" - current tasks
    %% "crit" - critical milestone

December 2025 - Winter Graduation (1-10 Dec, CNX)

Here's a chart based on the thesis timeline for the final months before graduation, with short descriptions of each event and links to related pages:



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Source Codes

Winter Graduation 2025

7Modalities Dashboard