Experience God’s love and pass it on

by Gerard & Lianne Seow, missional custodians in Geylang calling out the obedience of the young lions to the roar of Elijah-fathers over the land to reverse the curse.

<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/49de0235-e8bc-4eca-bf20-2a9d6d267a02/4ad3a36a-3940-4309-9c60-b5a4965c56e7/kings_college_skinny.png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/49de0235-e8bc-4eca-bf20-2a9d6d267a02/4ad3a36a-3940-4309-9c60-b5a4965c56e7/kings_college_skinny.png" width="40px" /> Executive Summary: In the context of one generation giving way to the next, the transition between Elijah and Elisha can be likened to a shift in leadership in a contemporary setting. This summary aims to elucidate this transition and its relevance to today's world, particularly in the context of mentorship and leadership succession. Elijah, a prophet in Israel, has been a solitary figure, confronting the worship of Baal and facing off against its prophets. However, as his journey progresses, it becomes evident that his mission is not a solo endeavor, leading to the anointing of Elisha as his successor. The transition from Elijah to Elisha is not abrupt but is a process that involves close companionship, mentorship, and the passing on of wisdom and spiritual power. This is a critical lesson in the importance of preparing the next generation to take over the reins, ensuring a smooth and effective transition. In today's world, this transition can be seen in various spheres of life, including but not limited to, businesses, governments, and even in families. The 'Elijahs' of today are the experienced leaders who are preparing to pass on the baton to their 'Elishas' - the next generation of leaders. On a more personal level, this transition can also be seen in the context of mentorship within families, as parents guide their children into adulthood. The phrase 'Elijah fathers to their Elijah sons, Elijah mothers to their Elijah daughters' underscores the importance of this intergenerational mentorship.

Epilogue by Rev Gerard Seow in “Elijah 7000”


The Lord has been speaking about S-E-A- change signifying our geographical area and sea-change signifying that we were to operate as a flotilla, vessels of different sizes and purposes. In a naval fleet, frigates and destroyers are purposed to escort massive aircraft carriers out to sea. Other tugs carry supplies, respond to sister-ships’ distress calls, or work as floating hospitals. Smaller companion ships perform complementary duties. As a ministry basecamp in the City of faith, we are facing changing opportunities and threats as revival prayer spreads across Asia from its origin, Singapore.

“Elishas receive the mantle of Elijah if they are given to see the Spirit of Elijah. I believe this revelation comes by a tenacity to follow Elijah into their call and vision. It is not the impact of the mission nor the power of anointing that captivates Elisha, rather it is his heart’s affection and longing to see through what his father began and could only complete partway, and so complete the multi-generational task, that leads him to seek the double portion” (Paul Khoo).

In this sea-change, you may be a small independent local church, yet you are not alone for rough seas. You are chosen with us. The Lord has revealed that this was no accident. I think that is evident by now in your walk with Jesus. We are plotting a course for new ministries in this unsettling time, one of the darkest of earth’s history, when a coronavirus pandemic has rippled and stormed across barriers and boundaries with devastating results. Amid multiple threats, God has raised up thinkers and strategists, like admirals and captains, developed from entry-officer groups. Whatever our roles, we are called as servants. On our own, we cannot be commanders.

We are calling out Elisha-sons, proteges of Elijah-mentors, to take up the mantle to reverse the curse of indifference and opposition to God's Word. For years now, Lianne and I have been helping and empowering individuals to identify and step into their gifts and callings supporting “all things Kingdom”- our clarion call to action. God has appointed divine help to do “His work in His way” (Hudson Taylor).

He gives hope and new skills, increased mental clarity and encouragement. He gives us his goodness to share through this ministry of leadership transition, for example, with a diversity of charisms. Thus far, we have deflected and overcome evils hurled upon us. Beloved, our hope is in God. Fears deriving or growing under coronavirus have tried to stop us. God says, “Be not afraid.” We are calling out Elisha-sons to take up Elijah's mantle, trusting God, mighty in power, to restore those deceived (or, misled) by sin's indifference and opposition to God.

Our true recovery is not in medical science. We ate the durian from one chamber, and then another chamber opened in 2020 through the scars of Covid-19 in China, India, Nepal and the Indian subcontinent. In 2021, we began to experience the illness, to fight its physical, spiritual, and mental impacts. The disease diminished for a time and then resurged. At every stage of threats and traumas, new avenues of intersecting and overlapping influence have opened wide among fellow heirs of Christ. The tabernacle of God among men is our battle cry! Last year, we welcomed Elijah-fathers to Geylang and this year Elisha-sons through a multi-generational prayer altar in collaboration with college prayer networks across the island. Among us, God’s mercy ships realign to address the sufferings of this overworked and overmedicated world, easing despair and depression with the healing of God’s eternal hope.

We do not know how long this trying season will last. This time last year, we imagined only weeks or months of risks to all of us and deaths, due to Covid-19. We told ourselves that this trial would pass soon. It has continued over the entire world, and God has not finished the work he is doing within us. We must hold on by faith. Trust God.

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego received a death sentence because they would not deny God, who sees us, too, in need of divine power. He sees us when typhoon-like fears and oppressing thoughts arise. When lightning flashes ever- nearer, God enables us to face it. He allows us to be in this fire … for a purpose. Shadrach and his two companions claimed God’s prophetic words given to Isaiah — “I will be with you … When you walk through the fire” —and he spared them miraculously. That is God whom we serve. Never run from trials and tribulation. The Spirit of the Lord will raise up a standard for you to see new spiritual realities.

Ministry has always been new and exciting as the Lord reveals and opens doors for new borns and new norms - calling out the obedience of the young lions to hear the roar of Elijah-fathers over the land of Singapore as a “Galilee-among-the- nations”.

At the lowest time in Jacob’s life, God met him in the vision of a ladder stretching up into heaven, angels ascending and descending. Beloved, there are angels wherever you are. Angels of God have been answering Kingdom prayers for our churches. God has allowed Covid-19 and variants to cross seas and shake the nations. In 2005, a tsunami affected eleven Asian nations. This global calamity affects every nation. Throughout history God has allowed wars, natural disasters, and diseases. Yet, the Word of the Lord has kept us sane and redeployed us as stronger people.

We are calling out for Elisha-sons to take up the mantle of Elijah, who confronted sin's indifference and opposition to God, and the second Elijah, John the Baptist, who prepared the way for the Lord.

The Almighty selected you to lead in this time. When gloomy clouds descend, do not recoil. You see how the Spirit of God has been forging and fitting us for these challenges. Beloved, experts were caught unaware of what God was doing, as were churches and pastors. Yet, we knew to watch and pray. What we have seen in these days is a dark forewarning. We must think carefully and seek to discern what sources of authority we will permit in our lives.

We are calling out for Elisha-sons to take up the mantle of Elijah, who confronted sin's indifference and opposition to God to prepare the way for the Lord’s coming.

While watching, praying, and asking God since the beginning of this pandemic, I’ve gained insights. More ministries have been birthed in the last perilous three hundred days than possibly, in decades. Revival came in an unanticipated way, because we all recognised the imperative to pray and seek the Lord. You found brothers and sisters in the Lord that were nearby or across different waters, arranged by God.

We are more in the bosom of Abba Father than ever before. Thus our influence spreads over multiple time zones with diverse societies, communities, churches, and families. You have experienced far greater blessings going through the fire than would have been possible had you recoiled in fear.

Under threat of death, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego testified to God’s sovereignty. Like them, let us affirm: “The God we serve is able to deliver us, and he will deliver us” (Daniel 3:17). They also affirmed God’s will, even if he did not spare them. So, beloved, I encourage you in this. We are into a greater and a deeper reality of God's dealings with the world, beginning with the house of God, and judgement must come into this oikos first. As we continue to study the Scriptures, we love the Lord, we love to sing His praises. We love to sing with the spirit and with understanding to execute what comes from the bosom of the Father, opening doors to new kingdom norms, spearheading think-set sea- change. We helped gifted individuals discover genius by modalities is what my wife, Lianne, and I are all about.

Young lions hear the roar of the Elijah-fathers.pdf

Required Texts

Family360 Wall by Rev Paul Khoo


Pop-culture in the City of Faith

Digital Money in the City of Faith

Mental Health in the City of Faith

Making Friends in the City of Faith

Ageing Gracefully in the City of Faith

Revival Prayer in the City of Faith

151, 651, 751 Wisdom

