


GC2025 is a pre-graduation program for seminarians who have gained on-the-job training in their specialized fields but lack formal qualifications. This initiative provides a strategic dashboard to enhance the educational journey of the Graduating Class of 2025. It serves as a centralised platform where students can access course materials, track academic progress, and prepare for graduation. The dashboard is customised to match the specific needs and timelines of the Class of 2025, offering a personalised experience that aligns with both the academic calendar and graduation requirements.

╔═══════════ KING'S COLLEGE SEMINARY [5-Year Educational Journey]══════════════╗
║                                                                              ║
║                              Preceptorship Program                           ║
║                                                                              ║
║    Seminary Studies     ║    Thesis Research     ║       Non-Levitical       ║
║     (Year 1-3)          ║     (Year 4)           ║       Ordination          ║
║                         ║                        ║                           ║
║    ENTRY LEVELS:        ║    Research Question:  ║       DAVT (Year 5)       ║
║    M1: Interlinear      ║    "I help...          ║       Final Phase         ║
║    M2: Modalities       ║     to...by..."        ║                           ║
║    M3: Unseen Realm     ║                        ║                           ║
║                         ║                        ║                           ║
║    7 Mountains          ║    Literature Review   ║       Ordination          ║
║    7 Archetypes         ║    Methodology         ║       Ceremony            ║
║    7 Movements          ║    Data Analysis       ║       Certification       ║
║                         ║                        ║                           ║
║    FOURS PILLAR:        ║    DEFENCE:            ║       PLACEMENT:          ║
║    Servant Leadership   ║    Oral Presentation   ║       Ministry            ║
║    Malachi 4:4-6        ║    Written Submission  ║       Assignment          ║
║    Lion,Ox,Eagle,Man    ║    Final Defence       ║                           ║

                             Support Components & Resources                                    
║    Research        ║     SOLE           ║    Assessment      ║    Student         ║
║    Development     ║     Learning       ║    Framework       ║    Services        ║
║                    ║                    ║                    ║                    ║
║    C-BAM System    ║     Academics      ║    ORCID ID        ║    Municipality    ║
║    Ref. Library    ║     Impact Study   ║    Diagnostics     ║    Advisory Board  ║
║    Notion Platform ║     Self-Study     ║    Thesis Review   ║    Logistics Team  ║

† C-BAM: Challenge-based Agile Management Framework
* SOLE: Self-organised Learning Environment with Integrated Assessment
* Assessment includes continuous evaluation and milestone achievements

Academics & Admissions at the Seminary Gate

Winter Graduation (CNX)

Time-based Impact (Lev 19:23-25)

M.A. (Modalities)

Graduate Thesis Track

Study Accelerators

Syllabus Overview

Bursary/ Scholarships

Published Training Rate

Burn rate per-academic hour

| GC25 | Checklist 5W | CV | DOB | Research | Origin | Airline | Airport | Campus | Department | History | MODULES | Target:  | Purpose-driven Mission | Signature methodology | Specialist field | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | S/No. | Profile of seminarian | Name (Kanban) | | ORCID (unlocked) | Call-sign (Nearest Intl. airport) | Passport incl visa info in required | ETA (date/ time) | Guest Rm No. (twin) | Acad. Gown (type) | Frozen credits (5years) | C-BAM (location) | Zone: ”I help” | Mission: ”To” | Impact: ”By” | (Concentration) | | 1. | MET W1: Zone 4 W2: parakaleho W3: 2020 W4: OATH (NCR) H5: tongue | ‣ | | 0009- 0007-2413 -8150 | 🇸🇽 https://tinyurl.com/8150-NCR | □ Passport: P0855783B

Expiry date: 27 Feb, 2029 | □ | □ | M.A. Black with scarlet trim | MODS-TV M1, M2, M3 | NCR ‘23 MHR ‘23 | I help create the digital generation (of mobile phone subscribers in NCR) | to come “HOME” (honouring, offering, management, engagement) | by making them feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves | Digital ReGeneration | | 2. | ELE W1: Zone 7 W2: eleeos W3: 2020 W4: OATH (NCR) H5: heart | ‣ | | 0009- 0001-3198 -655X | 🇸🇽 655X-NCR | Passport: P2200562C

Expiry: 27 Oct 2032 | □ | □ | M.A. Black with scarlet trim | MODS-TV M1, M2, M3 | MNL ‘23 MHR ‘23 | I help the Global Filipino | To find fulfilment in life | By facilitating re-entry back home | Talent Capital | | 3. | IST W1: Zone 6 W2: proistemi W3: 2020 W4: OATH (NCR) H5: head | ‣ | | 0009- 0003-4909 -5506 | 🇸🇽 5506-CRK | Passport no. P4316106B

Expiry date: 07 Jan 2030 | □ Flight details:

| □ | M.A. Black with scarlet trim | MODS-TV M1, M2, M3 | DAVT-5 (18 Oct 2015) Sariaya

VGN ‘23 BAG ‘23 | I help faith farmers | To be self-sustaining | By “back-to-garden” organics | Cropital Weath | | 4. | PRO W1: Zone 1 W2: prophetiea W3: 2016 W4: OATH (ILO) W5: eye | ‣ | 17-May-1979 | 0009- 0001-2505 -641X | 🇸🇽 641X-ILO

https://tinyurl.com/KC641X-ILO | Passport: P8475088A

Expiry: 23-Aug-2028 | □ | □ | M.A. Black with scarlet trim | Glorywalk MODS-TV M1, M2, M3 | DAVT-10 (16) ILO 18 DUM 18 ILO 19 | I help gifted learners | To uncover the genius within them | By Fig & Vine GEP | Early Childhood | | 5. | ELE W1: Zone 7 W2: eleeos W3: 2020 W4: OATH (KUL) H5: heart | ‣ | | 0009- 0003-6684 -9680 | 🇲🇾 9680 - KUL | □ Passport no: A70037452

Expiry Date: 07 August 2028 | □ | □ | M.A. Black with scarlet trim | MODS-TV M1, M2, M3 GRM (pilot) | CNX 23 KUL 24 | Target:  I help second-halfers | Mission: To rediscover their potential | Signature: By executive mentoring | Executive Mentoring | | 6. | PRO W1: Zone 1 W2: prophetiea W3: 2020 W4: OATH (NCR) H5: eye | Neziel Tariman Vinuya | | 0009- 0008-4500 -9224 | 🇸🇽 9224 - NCR | □ Passport no. P4178700C

Expiry date: 18 May, 2033 | □ | □ | M.A. Black with scarlet trim | MODS-TV M1, M2, M3 GRM (pilot) | CNX 23 NCR 23 MHR 23 LIC 24 | I help expository preachers | To rightly divide the Word | By Interlinear Studies | Seminary Gate | | 7. | PAR W1: Zone 4 W2: parakaleho W3: 2020 W4: OATH (DPS) H5: tongue | ‣ | | 0009- 0007-8926 -2515 | 🇮🇩 2515 - DPS | □ New passport

Expiry date: 12 Oct 2025 | □ | □ | M.A. Black with scarlet trim | MODS-TV M1, M2, M3 | JKT 18 SGP 24 | Target: 

I help the Batak people-group | □ Purpose

To discover their leadership genius | □ Impact

By differential diagnostics | Rotary Club | | 8. | MET W1: Zone 5 W2: metadidomi W3: 2020 W4: OATH (ILO) H5: neck | ‣ | | 0004- 0009-3568 -7325 | 🇸🇽 7325 - TAC | □ P5180295C

Expiry: 5 Sept 2033 | □ | □ | M.A. Black with scarlet trim | MODS-TV M1, M2, M3 Sp. Paper | IT ‘23 | Target: 

I help the Samareño | □ Purpose:

To discover the Waraynon genius | □ Impact

By Self-Mastery | Mercy Relief | | 9. | ELE W1: Zone 7 W2: eleeos W3: 2008 W4: SOM (GBG) H5: heart | ‣ | | 0009- 0004-2802 -6568 | 🇸🇬 6568 - SGP | □ Passport expiry:

13 Mar 2033 | □ | □ | M.A. Black with scarlet trim | Glorywalk MODS-TV M1, M2, M3 | DAVT-23 (2018)

DUM - CNX ‘23 HAN ‘24 | Target: 

I help an audience of one | To to overcome obstacles | By sharing my experiences | Pastoral Theology | | 10. | IST W1: Zone 6 W2: proistemi W3: 2020 W4: OATH (VGN) H5: head | ‣ | | 0009- 0004-7362 -1868 | 🇸🇽 1868 - CRK | □ Passport: P4491752B

Expiry date: 21 Jan 2030 | □ | □ | M.A. Black with scarlet trim | MODS-TV M1, M2, M3 | DAVT-5 (18 Oct 2015) Sariaya

VGN ‘23 | Target: 

I help Cordillerian families | To reshape their worldview | By proistemic genius | Worldview | | 11. | ELE W1: Zone 7 W2: eleeos W3: 2020 W4: OATH (HAN) H5: heart | ‣ | | 0009- 0005-4677 -8138 | 🇻🇳 8138 - HAN | □ | □ | □ | M.A. Black with scarlet trim | MODS-TV M1, M2, M3 AIA (pilot) | OATH (B) HAN ‘24 | Target: 

I help leaders stay true to their mission | Mission

To prevent organisational creep | Signature impact:

By higher order design thinking | English as a Second Language | | 12. | ELE W1: Zone 7 W2: eleeos W3: 2020 W4: Uttarakhan H5: heart | ‣ | | 0009- 0009-8676 -0118 | 🇮🇳 0118 - DEL | □ Passport no. U3866050

Expiry: 5Nov2030 | □ | □ | M.A. Black with scarlet trim | MODS-TV M1, M2, M3 | MODS-TV | Target: 

I help Tharu communities | Mission:

To discover their essential giftedness | Signature impact:

By family literacy program | Minority Rights | | 13. | ELE W1: Zone 7 W2: eleeos W3: 2020 W4: Bicol H5: heart | ‣ | | 0009- 0002-5093 -0743 | 🇸🇽 0743-NCR | □ | □ | □ | M.A. Black with scarlet trim | MODS-TV M1, M2, M3 | | I help trustworthy government officials | to live out their oaths | by establishing ethical standards | Community Politics | | 14. | ELE W1: Zone 7 W2: eleeos W3: 2013 W4: SOM (GBG) H5: heart | ‣ | | https://orcid.org/0009-0005-4590-6337 | 🇮🇩 6337 - DPS | □ Passport: X1836614

Expiry: 7 Dec 2032 | □ | □ | M.A. Black with scarlet trim | Glorywalk MODS-TV M1, M2, M3 GRM (pilot) AIA (pilot) | ILO 18 JKT 18 CNX 23 HAN 24 KUL 24 | Target: 

I help startups | Mission:

To communicate clearly their vision | Signature impact:

By effective marketing strategies | Design Thinking | | 15. | ELE W1: Zone 7 W2: eleeos W3: 2020 W4: OATH (NCR) H5: heart | ‣ | | 0009- 0001-9247 -0389 | 🇸🇽 0389 - NCR | □ Passport No: P2054083c

Expiry Date

14, Oct 2032 | □ | □ | M.A. Black with scarlet trim | MODS-TV M1, M2, M3 | NCR 23 MHR 23 | I help fast-track kinders | to bring healing into their communities | by practising natural law | Christian Education | | 16. | ELE W1: Zone 7 W2: eleeos W3: 2018 W4: GBG H5: heart | ‣ | | Code-share with Neziel Tariman Vinuya | 🇸🇽 9224 - NCR | □ | □ | □ | Wait-listed for Dec 2025 subject to Thesis | MODS-TV credits frozen … | DAVT- 26 (14 Jun 2019) | □ I help the Elisha sons | □ to pastor a fatherless generation | □ by campus set-up | Family Literacy | | 17. | DID W1: Zone 3 W2: didasko W3: 2015 W4: OATH (VGN) H5: ear | ‣ | | 0009-0008-9648-2644 | 🇸🇽 2644-CRK | □ passport- P8495810B

expiry date: Dec.16,2031 | □ | □ | Wait-listed for Dec 2025 | | DAVT-5 (18 Oct 2015) Sariaya

VGN ‘23 | □ I help emergent leaders | □ To navigate the future | □ By the modalities dashboard | | | 18. | ELE W1: Zone 7 W2: eleeos W3: 2018 W4: GBG H5: heart | ‣ | | Code-share with ‣ | 🇸🇽 | □ | □ | □ | Wait-listed for Dec 2025 | | DAVT-30 (11 Oct 2019) Singapore

VGN ‘23 | □ I help gifted children | □ To build one nation under God | □ By discovering their own genius | | | 19. | ELE W1: Zone 7 W2: eleeos W3: 2018 W4: GBG H5: heart | ‣

| | https://orcid.org/0009-0008-6999-2374 | 2374-NCR | □ Passport No.: P1310228C

Expiry: 14 Aug 2032 | □ | □ | Wait-listed for Dec 2025 | | | □ I help the people of God | □ to come humbly into His Presence | □ as a Temple not made with hands | | | 20. | PAR W1: Zone 4 W2: parakaleho W3: 2012 W4: BTC H5: tongue | Daphne Lim | | Oikos Governor | 🇸🇬

(Dec 2025)

| Link to profiles: ‣

‣ | Limited to 15 per cohort in groups of 4.

Published Training Rate | | ORCID nos. generated randomly

‣ | Airport codes follow ICAO standards

| check validity period

‣ | 15 bursary available per class

| ‣ | Syllabus Overview

Bursary/ Scholarships | Leviticus 19:23-25

Time-based Impact (Lev 19:23-25) | Study Acc. and tours

Study Accelerators | Drop-zone**

Where the Road ran Out | Missional Genius

‣ | Missional Footprint

Graduate Thesis Track | |


**Based on the available information, here are some potential specializations for the students at the seminary:

Footnotes for Bursary / Scholarship students:
Graduation policies (non-negotiable): (1.) Book your own flight from country of origin (2.) See scholarship calculator for break-even point (below) (3.) Priority given to practitioners in field with >10years experience (4.) Travel loan will be reimbursed within 3 - 4 weeks (post-conference) (5.) Mountain View campus: room costs will be halved on room sharing basis (6.) Optional extras: personal SIM card, chargers/adapters, meds for EM (if any). (7.) Gowns: same price for purchase or rental (4.5 - 5.5k bht / 8.5k peso / 200 sgd)

Where the Road ran Out

Grant Proposal for Seminary Activity