Seven church models showcase different aspects: prophetic discernment, artisanal perfection, biblical interpretation, inclusivity, capacity building, leadership, and healing ministry.


Seed 7Seeds Paradigm Genius Modal Excellence of Each Seed Type
Wheat signifies the church's role in sharing God's message, like providing food. It is a staple in the diet of many cultures, symbolizing sustenance, life, and growth. In the context of the church, it represents the nourishment of the congregation's spiritual life through the Word of God. Teaching (Pergamon) WHEAT, a symbol of the essentialist, didactic approach, refers to individuals who have mastered a particular subject matter and possess an intimate knowledge of it.
Barley represents the church's mission to be a guiding light, inspired by the Holy Spirit. It is a hardy grain, able to grow in harsh conditions, symbolizing the church's resilience and the light of guidance it provides, even in difficult times. Execution (Smyrna) BARLEY is a representation of the specialist who is able to create wonders through the power of their script, score, or finely engineered plan executed with precision and timeliness.
Vine: The Tribes of Israel Vine is about life, growth, and nourishment, much like the church's mission. Vines, particularly grapevines, are key in producing fruit and are often used as a metaphor for abundance and productivity. This aligns with the church's aim to foster spiritual growth and life among its members. Rescue (Laodicea) VINE symbolises the wildcard reserved in hand for "the big win" as a joker to be played in times of crisis or emergency, where immediate action is required on behalf of a masterful interventionist to staunch bleeding or mend a broken heart.
Figs, or the lack thereof, are often used in the Bible to represent the health of a nation or people. The fig tree is known for its long lifespan and productivity, symbolizing the church's role in promoting spiritual health and prosperity over time. Discovery (Ephesus) "FIG" is a symbol of a prismatic seer who can decode and define what is elemental causes that stands behind the consequential effects challenging the status quo and upending the applecart in order to prognosticate on the future state of affairs.
Pomegranates in the Bible are often a symbol of the righteous fruits of the promised land. The fruit is prized for its sweet-tasting seeds and healthful properties, representing the church's mission to nurture the spiritual well-being and righteousness of its members. Lead (Philadelphia) POMEGRANATE, a fruit that has long been cherished in the Commonwealth of Israel for its health benefits and cultural significance, also serves as a profound symbol in the realm of leadership and team dynamics.
Olives and olive oil are often used in the Bible to represent the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The process of extracting oil from olives, which involves pressing, can symbolize the church's role in facilitating the outpouring of the Holy Spirit's power in a believer's life. Enable (Thyatira) The olive, when crushed, yields oil, a transformation that holds deep spiritual and practical significance. This oil, a product of pressure, is a source of light and a means of anointing, much like how the genius of the parakaleho emerges under the weight of life's complexities.
Date Palms in the Bible are often used to represent the righteous who flourish under the care of God. The date palm is a symbol of victory, righteousness, and the oasis in the desert, much like how the church provides a spiritual refuge and victory over sin through faith. Organising (Sardis) HONEY (DATE PALM) - Symbolic of the hidden organizer and backbone - the neck of society that stands behind genius and empowers it through meticulous care for details, critical structures and corporate hygiene thus making room for greater impact.

Archetypes in Israel

7Modalities Dashboard

Archetypes, Endowments, Seeds

Church In Flats in the City of Faith

Hubs and Houses in the City of Faith

Chart: Paradigms of the 7 Seeds and 7 Churches



Board of Regents

Oikos, Then and Now