King’s College Seminary- Philosophy of Education based on the 7Laws of Adam.

Our philosophy of education begins with the 7Laws of Adam illustrated in the pattern of seven biblical archetypes seen from Moses to Peter, from Paul to John to the 7churches that were milled and sifted to reveal fine flour “as grain for bread is crushed.” The Culture Wars, a widely recognised phenomenon deeply embedded in our contemporary media landscape and educational institutions, represent a clash of ideals, societal values, and worldviews. This term, often used to describe the ideological and political polarization in society, has emerged as a significant part of public discourse, shaping our understanding of various social, political, and moral issues.

These conflicts, which are frequently played out and amplified through different forms of media such as television, social media platforms, newspapers, and even movies and music, have a profound influence on the public's perception of key issues. The media, with its power to reach and influence a wide audience, becomes a battleground where these cultural war skirmishes are fought, heightening societal tensions and divisions.

Similarly, the educational system is not immune to the influence of these culture wars. Schools, colleges, and universities are often the arenas where these conflicts are most visibly played out. The curriculum, teaching methodologies, and policies can become points of contention, as they are perceived to reflect and propagate specific cultural, social, and political ideologies.

The Culture Wars in the media and education thus have significant implications for the shaping of public opinion and the molding of our future generations. The way these wars are conducted and resolved can profoundly affect the direction of societal evolution, the development of young minds, and the overall health of our democratic institutions.

The challenge for us is to navigate these culture wars in a way that promotes constructive dialogue, fosters mutual understanding, and upholds the values of respect, tolerance, and diversity. It is crucial for us to understand and critically engage with these culture wars, not only to make sense of our complex and rapidly changing world but also to contribute to building a more inclusive, equitable, and peaceful society.

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Redeeming the EYE - spirit of discovery - prophetic “hyper-seeing”. This is pattern recognition and lateral thinking that over turns the existing paradigm. The futurist who is able to predict with some degree of accuracy what is going to happen next.



<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Redeeming the HANDS - spirit of service - deaconic excellence and artisanal craftsmanship. He is no burden who burns 10,000 hours just to execute with perfection what is already written on the script, score or flight plan.



<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Redeeming the EARS - spirit of impartation - pedagogical didactic genius. The faculty of the ear serves to break it all down into fundamental components. The essentialist who lives to teach and makes room for God to act.



<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Redeeming the TONGUE - spirit of encouragement - parakalectic scaffolding and cross cultural sensitivity. The approachable coach who knows exactly what questions to ask to improve dramatically performance and potential. The Potentialist.



<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Redeeming the NECK - magisterial spirit - metadidomic order and organisational genius. The ATC in Tower control in airfield management. This is the Realist who is the late adopter, yet the slow but steady one who always completes the race come what may.



<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Redeeming the HEAD - spirit of the leader who presides over the team - proistemic genius who gets the job done. The Expansionist who works from a hot centre and ignites others around to rally round to obtain the mission at all costs.



<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Redeeming the HEART - spirit of the good samaritan who rescues the broken rendering direct assistance to victims in trauma. The Interventionist and man of peace who lays down and loves not his life unto death. The eleemosynary genius who plugs the leaks and staunches the bleeding.



Course Title: Domains: Redeeming the Wastelands

Course Description:

"Domains: Redeeming the Wastelands" is a comprehensive 3 credit hour course that delves into the philosophy of education based on the 7Laws of Adam. This course is designed to engage students in thought-provoking discussions and analyses of life's essential questions such as "What makes life worth living?" and "Why tomorrow will be better than yesterday?". Drawing upon the wisdom of the biblical book of Ezekiel (33:1-25) and the profound insights from Francis Schaeffer's book and video series, "How Then Shall We Live?", the course aims to foster an understanding of the complexities of our rapidly changing world and how we can navigate them to build a more inclusive, equitable, and peaceful society.

Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Understand and critically engage with the concept of cultural wars, their origins, implications, and how they shape our society and its future generations.
  2. Explore and appreciate the relevance of biblical archetypes in understanding contemporary societal issues.