╔═══════════ KING'S COLLEGE SEMINARY [5-Year Educational Journey]══════════════╗
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║ Preceptorship Program ║
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║ Seminary Studies ║ Thesis Research ║ Non-Levitical ║
║ (Year 1-3) ║ (Year 4) ║ Ordination ║
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║ ENTRY LEVELS: ║ Research Question: ║ DAVT (Year 5) ║
║ M1: Interlinear ║ "I help... ║ Final Phase ║
║ M2: Modalities ║ to...by..." ║ ║
║ M3: Unseen Realm ║ ║ ║
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║ 7 Mountains ║ Literature Review ║ Ordination ║
║ 7 Archetypes ║ Methodology ║ Ceremony ║
║ 7 Movements ║ Data Analysis ║ Certification ║
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║ Servant Leadership ║ Oral Presentation ║ Ministry ║
║ Malachi 4:4-6 ║ Written Submission ║ Assignment ║
║ Lion,Ox,Eagle,Man ║ Final Defence ║ ║
Support Components & Resources
║ Research ║ SOLE ║ Assessment ║ Student ║
║ Development ║ Learning ║ Framework ║ Services ║
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║ C-BAM System ║ Academics ║ ORCID ID ║ Municipality ║
║ Ref. Library ║ Impact Study ║ Diagnostics ║ Advisory Board ║
║ Notion Platform ║ Self-Study ║ Thesis Review ║ Logistics Team ║
† C-BAM: Challenge-based Agile Management Framework
* SOLE: Self-organised Learning Environment with Integrated Assessment
* Assessment includes continuous evaluation and milestone achievements
Ephesus - Season of Discovery serves as the foundational cornerstone for all subsequent seasons. It represents a comprehensive exploration of the original source codes embedded within the fabric of creation, examining the underlying parameters and paradigms. This includes the fundamental factory settings and defaults established long before any form of rebellion or offense, and prior to any deviations or distractions. Within this era of innocence, creation was deemed "good" and "very good," with the divine fingerprints of God imprinted upon every square inch of Eden. This period was characterized by the divine mandate to exert dominion and to flourish abundantly.
The exploration of Ephesus is not merely an academic exercise, but a spiritual journey that invites us to rediscover the divine intentions woven into the very essence of existence. By understanding the original blueprint, we gain insights into our true purpose and the eternal principles that govern life. This season calls us to align with the divine order, embracing the purity and perfection that characterized the beginning of creation, and to carry forward the legacy of divine stewardship and fruitful living.
The prophetic genius of Ephesus, much like the city's own story, is a tale of duality and depth. It's a saga of the city's struggle and success, its dance with the divine, and its dalliance with the doctrines of the day. This genius, in the prophetic tradition, is not merely a passive recipient of divine will, but an active agent in its articulation and actualization. It's a call to the city, and by extension, to us all - to see beyond the surface, to seek the truth in the morass of the mundane, and to serve the divine directive with a daring that defies the doldrums of dogma.
<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/49de0235-e8bc-4eca-bf20-2a9d6d267a02/9efaa5ec-99bd-4224-b93f-7d4c53790450/IMAGE_2024-02-23_213625.jpg" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/49de0235-e8bc-4eca-bf20-2a9d6d267a02/9efaa5ec-99bd-4224-b93f-7d4c53790450/IMAGE_2024-02-23_213625.jpg" width="40px" /> Ephesus, in the context of the first century, was a beacon of early Christianity, distinguished by its robust congregation and the profound teachings of the Apostles Paul and John. This ancient city, known for the majestic Temple of Artemis and its lively, diverse populace, was a crucible of faith, philosophy, and culture. Its streets, once echoed with the oratory of Paul, and its people, were the first recipients of the profound revelations that would shape the course of Christian thought.
Ephesus, first of seven communities within the City of faith mentioned in Rev 2-3 whose guardian angel Alethiea stood against the spirit of religion and idolatry embodying the prophetic eye gift in the NT ecclesia representing the prophetic genius to decode and define the mysteries of God and patterns of modalities that unpack realities beyond the tables and chairs in the church. These are kingdom shifts that bring God’s people back into alignment with the will of the Father through gifts that energise and produce ever-increasing productivity where there was formerly blindness, darkness and apathy.
Thyatira - Season of Enablement
Sardis - Season of Restructuring