╔═══════════ KING'S COLLEGE SEMINARY [5-Year Educational Journey]══════════════╗
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║ Preceptorship Program ║
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║ Seminary Studies ║ Thesis Research ║ Non-Levitical ║
║ (Year 1-3) ║ (Year 4) ║ Ordination ║
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║ ENTRY LEVELS: ║ Research Question: ║ DAVT (Year 5) ║
║ M1: Interlinear ║ "I help... ║ Final Phase ║
║ M2: Modalities ║ to...by..." ║ ║
║ M3: Unseen Realm ║ ║ ║
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║ 7 Mountains ║ Literature Review ║ Ordination ║
║ 7 Archetypes ║ Methodology ║ Ceremony ║
║ 7 Movements ║ Data Analysis ║ Certification ║
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║ Servant Leadership ║ Oral Presentation ║ Ministry ║
║ Malachi 4:4-6 ║ Written Submission ║ Assignment ║
║ Lion,Ox,Eagle,Man ║ Final Defence ║ ║
Support Components & Resources
║ Research ║ SOLE ║ Assessment ║ Student ║
║ Development ║ Learning ║ Framework ║ Services ║
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║ C-BAM System ║ Academics ║ ORCID ID ║ Municipality ║
║ Ref. Library ║ Impact Study ║ Diagnostics ║ Advisory Board ║
║ Notion Platform ║ Self-Study ║ Thesis Review ║ Logistics Team ║
† C-BAM: Challenge-based Agile Management Framework
* SOLE: Self-organised Learning Environment with Integrated Assessment
* Assessment includes continuous evaluation and milestone achievements
Philadelphia, in its esteemed Season of Leadership, diligently serves the vital mission to realign our collective purpose with divine righteousness. This ecclesial charge fervently calls upon us to galvanize the entire team into a cohesive, unified unit, flowing harmoniously together under the wise command of the proistemic genius. This exceptional leader diligently gathers up the fragments that remain, comprehends the inherent risks, and courageously goes forward—always pressing forward—into uncharted and unknown territory to fulfill and complete the mission at all costs.
Their unwavering dedication ensures that every action is aligned with the overarching vision, fostering an environment where each member can thrive and contribute meaningfully. The proistemic genius not only leads by example but also empowers others to take initiative, fostering a culture of innovation and resilience. This approach not only meets immediate objectives but also lays the groundwork for sustained success and growth. By embracing challenges and navigating uncertainties with a steadfast spirit, the team exemplifies the true essence of leadership in its most profound form.
<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/49de0235-e8bc-4eca-bf20-2a9d6d267a02/f162b855-a67f-46b8-9bb7-47247c613f6b/IMAGE_2024-02-23_213553.jpg" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/49de0235-e8bc-4eca-bf20-2a9d6d267a02/f162b855-a67f-46b8-9bb7-47247c613f6b/IMAGE_2024-02-23_213553.jpg" width="40px" /> Philadelphia, in the context of the first century, was a city that could be symbolically represented by the leadership component of the 'head'. This symbolism is derived from the city's characteristics and its response to the challenges it faced during that time.
The 'head' in this analogy is a reference to the city's leadership, which is characterized by its visionary spirit and its ability to rally its team to persevere despite challenges. This leadership style is not just about maintaining the status quo, but about challenging existing norms and paradigms to create better futures. It's a dynamic and proactive approach to leadership that is characterized by continuous learning, growth, and improvement.
Furthermore, the 'head' symbolises the city's commitment to its mission, which is sacred and must be accomplished at all costs. This is akin to the leadership principle of 'brotherly kindness', which is about navigating and mitigating conflicts, controversies, or miscommunications that may arise within the community. It's seen as a proactive approach to navigate and mitigate conflicts, controversies, or miscommunications that may arise within the community.
Therefore, the ancient city of Philadelphia, in the first century, serves as a powerful symbol of visionary and mission-driven leadership. It's a reminder of the importance of having a clear and compelling vision, the courage to blaze new trails, and the commitment to achieve our most important goals - no matter what challenges we may face along the way. This is the leadership principle within the City of faith that urges and nudges mankind as a species to run to great purpose, raising the bar of excellence, blazing new trails, building on strengths, overturning conventions and paradigm through teaching, coaching and executive mentoring. Here is the proistemic genius at work through brotherly kindness restoring the foundations of sovereignty, dignity and efficiency with every man under his own vine and fig that “none should make afraid”. Here is dynamic stability returned through much turbulence and yet, coming out stronger after the storm and sometimes through it.
Thyatira - Season of Enablement
Sardis - Season of Restructuring