Pitch deck for DNA-driven Leadership

[Editor note: Although I am not the owner of the copyrights in the ideas, I do have a great appreciation for their value and significance. The importance of protecting intellectual property cannot be overstated, as it is through such protection that creators and innovators are able to maintain their rights to their own work and prevent unauthorised use or reproduction. In a world where ideas are often the driving force behind progress and innovation, it is essential that we respect the rights of those who generate them and take measures to ensure that they are properly credited and compensated for their contributions. Should you feel I am in breach of any copyrights that belong to another, please do not hesitate to reach out to my Geylang office [email protected] ]


<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/fdcae06a-c158-42fa-8b79-aeee360f562f/IMAGE_2022-12-06_185208.jpg" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/fdcae06a-c158-42fa-8b79-aeee360f562f/IMAGE_2022-12-06_185208.jpg" width="40px" /> “Hi I’m John Stahlwert and I’m on a mission to encourage and strengthen leaders around the world who are committed to become as effective and as impactful as they possibly can at making the world better through their leadership” (Self-introduction to John Stahl-wert and what he says of himself at the beginning of his Youtube videos)


123 - 141 Serving Leadership

Opening statement by JSW - Sam Shoemaker**, from the steel capital of the world 100 years ago (Pittsburgh), emphasised a disciplined commitment to serving human and talent capital by developing and strengthening others, rather than prioritising organisational structures, balance sheets, events, personalities, or reputation.

**Sam Shoemaker

#Great_leaders_serve (”Suffering is in the soup”) see Youtube

DNA: Gifted individuals who are blind to their own greatness

Values: Understanding Default Natural Abilities (DNA)

Mission: To discover genius through modalities

Great Purpose: ”To help gifted individuals discover genius”

Battle for Visibility at the 7Churches

The College Tetramorph
