[A leadership symposium on hearing God’s voice in the midst of the noise and the fog of war.]

Mapping the War on Saints in Rev 2-3 with the pattern of Sevens in Peter.

Mapping the War on Saints in Rev 2-3 with the pattern of Sevens in Peter.

Seven Churches of the Apocalypse (Video series)



KC Menorah (template).pdf

According to tradition, John is the last surviving of the Twelve and Mary lives out her days in Ephesus under the bishopric of the 7 Churches that John pastored : Ephesus, Thyatira, Smyrna, Laodicea, Pergamos, Sardis, Philadelphia. Reference: Rev chapter 2 & 3 - a video series 2021 - 2022, 550 broadcast hours (MODS-tv)


The following seven training objectives in King’s College courseware on “Ancient Hostilities” are based on a pattern of seven observed in social ethics based on universal core values of (1.) dignity and worth of the person, (2.) service, (3.) core values, (4.) importance of human relationships, (5.) integrity, (6.) competence and (7.) social justice.

These are for the common good (objectives) that arise from the war on saints identified at Ephesus (religious spirit), at Smyrna (lawlessness), at Pergamum (dogma), at Thyatira (fear of the stranger), at Sardis (secular humanism), at Philadelphia (lust for dominion and glory) and at Laodicea (passivity / lukewarmness).


Write an executive summary of life purpose in not more than 14 words representing WHO it is you are helping, to WHAT end and HOW.

I help ____________ (target audience) to ____________ (do what?) by _____________ (how?)

MODS HelpWhoToWhatByHow?.key

Source: The College Tetramorph

Winter Graduation 2025

7Modalities Dashboard

Archetypes, Endowments, Seeds