
Ark of the Covenant - Organisation component

<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/49de0235-e8bc-4eca-bf20-2a9d6d267a02/c4156866-1f73-4d45-a699-e3bba7a0d618/IMAGE_2024-02-23_213619.jpg" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/49de0235-e8bc-4eca-bf20-2a9d6d267a02/c4156866-1f73-4d45-a699-e3bba7a0d618/IMAGE_2024-02-23_213619.jpg" width="40px" /> Ark of the Covenant: “You shall put in it the ark of the Testimony (”let everything be done for the building up of the house”, 1 Cor 14:26), and partition off the ark with the veil.”


The Ark of the Covenant in the tabernacle of Moses, as detailed in Exodus 40, and the organisational component in 1 Cor 14:26, both symbolize the metadidomic genius of the ARK hidden behind the veil, is likewise representative of the genius within the ecclesia for structure, order and decency.

This structural genius is not just about maintaining order, but about facilitating the growth and edification of the body in love. It's about creating a space where every member can contribute effectively to the building up of the body. In this way, the ARK in the ecclesia serves a dual function. It is both a guardian of divine order and a facilitator of organic growth. It ensures that the ecclesia operates not in chaos but in a harmonious order where the diverse gifts of its members are optimally employed for the common good. Therefore, the genius of the ARK in the ecclesia calls for a balance between structure and spontaneity, between order and organic growth, between the maintenance of communal norms and the accommodation of individual contributions. It is in this balance that the body of Christ is built up in love.

Indeed, the ARK's role in the ecclesia can be likened to the function of the neck in turning the head. Just as the neck acts as a conduit of the nervous and vascular systems, enabling both the maintenance of vital functions and the facilitation of proportionate growth, so too does the ARK in the ecclesia is the life force that channels strength up and down the spinal column to the extremities. It ensures that every member, while conforming to the overall order of the body, also receives the nourishment needed for individual and corporate growth. Therefore, the genius of the ARK in the ecclesia is a call to cultivate a community where every member is both a contributor to and a beneficiary of the body's life in love. It is in this mutual edification that the body of Christ is built up in love.

<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/49de0235-e8bc-4eca-bf20-2a9d6d267a02/c4156866-1f73-4d45-a699-e3bba7a0d618/IMAGE_2024-02-23_213619.jpg" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/49de0235-e8bc-4eca-bf20-2a9d6d267a02/c4156866-1f73-4d45-a699-e3bba7a0d618/IMAGE_2024-02-23_213619.jpg" width="40px" /> (7.) ARK OF THE COVENANT - prophetic significance - give - internal controls, the economist who optimises. Housed in the most esoteric part of the tabernacle and later Temple, accessible only to the high priest once a year, where God is closed off to humanity except the priest in command. Contained within are the source-codes of the universe, a copy of the tablets of stone, the commandments that will find its fullest expression as the word becomes flesh, the organising principle behind the genius of the metadidomi that makes room for God to act. The secrets of the incarnation is the new operating system (OS) that allows us to draw near to God with a good conscience and removes the enmity of the curse by the death of the lamb who “takes away the sin of the world”, the fullest expression of which is in the building up of the house (oikos) of God into a spiritual temple no made with hands.


Redeeming the the metadidomic genius (MET, give) - The ability to make more room to deepen impact. The driving force of logic that solves problems by reorganisation, restructuring and reassigning priorities in order to maximise what is available for the greater good.

“The drive and urge to manage, impart, bestow or use resources equitably and develop what is available to its optimal potential or value. Individuals will seek to apportion, manage and care for resources (including people, time, talents, opportunities, etc) and ensure what is available is carefully used, invested or deployed for the best returns.” (Samuel/Moen).

Metadidomic genius redeemed

Metadidomic Genius in Human Endeavors and Enterprises

The metadidomic genius, as illuminated in 1 Cor 14:26, can be seen as a divine strategy for optimization and growth. It's a principle that can be applied to every aspect of human endeavor and enterprise, providing a framework for solving problems, making decisions, and allocating resources in a way that maximizes impact and value. Here are some applications in different areas:

1. Business and Economics

In the realm of business and economics, the metadidomic genius can guide the development of innovative business models, the efficient allocation of resources, and the creation of value for customers, employees, and society. By reimagining how we do business, we can create more sustainable and inclusive economic systems that benefit all of humanity.

For instance, consider the concept of 'lean manufacturing' in the business world. This approach, which has its roots in the Toyota Production System, is all about minimizing waste and maximizing productivity. It's a clear example of the metadidomic genius in action. By constantly seeking ways to improve efficiency and effectiveness, businesses can create more value with fewer resources. This not only leads to better financial performance, but also to more sustainable and resilient business practices.

2. Education

Applying the metadidomic genius to education can transform how we learn and teach. It can guide the development of new educational models that are more inclusive, equitable, and effective, and that prepare students to thrive in a rapidly changing world. By rethinking education, we can empower individuals to realize their full potential and contribute to the common good.

For example, in a traditional classroom setting, the metadidomic genius might inspire the creation of a more flexible and dynamic learning environment. Instead of a one-size-fits-all approach, where all students are taught the same material in the same way, the metadidomic genius might guide educators to develop personalized learning plans that cater to the unique needs and interests of each student. This could involve the use of technology to create adaptive learning experiences, the integration of project-based learning to foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and the promotion of self-directed learning to nurture a lifelong love of learning. By reorganizing and restructuring the learning environment in this way, the metadidomic genius can help to optimize the use of educational resources and create a more inclusive and effective learning experience for all students.

3. Healthcare

In healthcare, the metadidomic genius can guide the development of new models of care that are more patient-centered, equitable, and effective. It can guide the allocation of resources to where they are needed most, and the development of new treatments and interventions that improve health outcomes. By reimagining healthcare, we can create a healthier and more just world for all.

For instance, consider the shift towards value-based care in the healthcare industry. This model, which emphasizes the quality of care provided over the quantity of services delivered, is a clear example of the metadidomic genius in action. By reorganizing and restructuring the healthcare system to focus on patient outcomes, we can create a more equitable and effective healthcare system that delivers high-quality care to all. This not only leads to better health outcomes, but also to more sustainable and resilient healthcare systems that benefit all of humanity.

4. Governance and Public Policy

Applying the metadidomic genius to governance and public policy can guide the development of new models of governance that are more inclusive, transparent, and effective. It can guide the allocation of resources to where they are needed most, and the development of new policies and interventions that improve the well-being of all. By reimagining governance, we can create a more just and equitable world for all.

For instance, consider the application of the metadidomic genius in the context of public policy making. This approach can guide policy makers to allocate resources more efficiently, develop more effective interventions, and create more equitable and inclusive public services. By reorganizing and restructuring the way public services are delivered, we can create a more just and equitable society that benefits all of its members.

Applying the metadidomic genius to governance and public policy can guide the development of new models of governance that are more inclusive, transparent, and effective. It can guide the allocation of resources to where they are needed most, and the development of new policies and interventions that improve the well-being of all. By reimagining governance, we can create a more just and equitable world for all.

5. Personal Relationships and Community Life

In personal relationships and community life, the metadidomic genius can guide the development of new models of community life that are more inclusive, equitable, and effective. It can guide the allocation of resources to where they are needed most, and the development of new policies and interventions that improve the well-being of all. By reimagining governance, we can create a more just and equitable world for all.

Metadidomic Controls as a Tool for Professional Growth

Applying the concept of "metadidomic controls" in the field of aviation, therefore, is not just about ensuring compliance with established procedures and protocols. It is also about creating a learning environment where aviation professionals can continuously grow and improve their skills and knowledge. This is where the principle of "edification" comes into play. By providing clear and actionable feedback, and by fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement, aviation professionals can use the "metadidomic controls" as a tool for edification, helping to build up the body of aviation professionals and to ensure the safety and efficiency of flight operations.

The proclivity towards order and decency in the home is a reflection of the organisational genius that applies also in the household of faith. Just as a well-ordered home creates a nurturing environment for individual members to thrive, a well-structured ecclesia facilitates the growth and edification of the body in love. The genius of the ARK in the ecclesia, therefore, is a call to cultivate a community where every member is both a contributor to and a beneficiary of the body's life in love. It is in this mutual edification that the body of Christ is built up in love.

The command from 1 Corinthians 14:26, "let everything be done for the building up of the house", can be applied in various contexts to foster growth, improvement, and positive change. Here are some applications in different areas:


In the context of an organization, this principle can guide leadership and management practices. It can be seen as a call for leaders to foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement, where every member is both a contributor to and a beneficiary of the organization's growth. This could involve investing in employee development, encouraging knowledge sharing, and creating opportunities for employees to take on new challenges and contribute to the organization's mission in meaningful ways.

When applied to community service, the "building up of the house" can be interpreted as the development and empowerment of the community. This could involve initiatives to improve access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities, as well as efforts to strengthen social cohesion and promote civic engagement. By working to address the needs of the most vulnerable members of the community and to create a more inclusive and equitable society, we can build up the "house" of the community in a way that benefits all of its members.

In personal relationships, this command can be a reminder of the importance of acting in ways that build up and strengthen the relationship. This could involve showing love and respect, communicating openly and honestly, and working to resolve conflicts in a constructive manner. It can also involve supporting each other's growth and well-being, and working together to build a shared future. By prioritizing the health and strength of the relationship, we can build up the "house" of our personal relationships in a way that provides a strong and stable foundation for our lives.

Blindspots of the Metadidomic Genius

While the metadidomic genius offers a strategic framework for optimization and growth, it's not without its potential blindspots. Two such areas are resource fixation and scarcity mentality.

Resource Fixation

The metadidomic genius, with its emphasis on reorganization and restructuring, can sometimes lead to an over-fixation on the resources currently at hand. This can result in a tunnel vision, where one becomes so engrossed in optimizing the use of existing resources that they overlook or undervalue the importance of seeking out new resources or opportunities for growth. Therefore, it's crucial to balance the drive for internal efficiency with an outward-looking perspective that is open to new possibilities.

Scarcity Mentality

Operating from a scarcity mentality, where resources are viewed as limited and the focus is on minimizing waste, can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, it can foster a sense of resourcefulness and drive the pursuit of efficiency. On the other hand, if not carefully managed, it can also lead to risk-aversion, stifle innovation, and create a competitive rather than collaborative culture. The challenge, therefore, is to navigate the tension between prudence and possibility, between safeguarding resources and investing in the pursuit of new opportunities for growth and impact.


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Ark of the Covenant

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