
Lampstand (Prophetic component)

<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/49de0235-e8bc-4eca-bf20-2a9d6d267a02/988d93e4-c8bf-4254-94e9-c594dd1ceb04/IMAGE_2024-02-23_213625.jpg" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/49de0235-e8bc-4eca-bf20-2a9d6d267a02/988d93e4-c8bf-4254-94e9-c594dd1ceb04/IMAGE_2024-02-23_213625.jpg" width="40px" /> 4 b Menorah and you shall bring in the menorah (“each has a revelation” see 1 Cor 14:26**)** and light its lamps.


In the tabernacle of Moses, as described in Exodus 40, the menorah (lampstand) is a central element in the sanctuary, serving the practical purpose of providing light and the spiritual purpose of symbolizing God's presence and revelation. The act of bringing in the menorah and lighting its lamps, as instructed in Exodus 40, can be seen as a call to prepare for and invite this divine revelation.

Similarly, in the context of corporate worship, the "revelation" component in 1 Cor 14:26 can be understood as the sharing of spiritual insights, prophecies, or teachings that have been illuminated to individuals by the Holy Spirit. This process, much like the lighting of the menorah, serves to guide, edify, and bring clarity to the congregation, helping them to navigate their spiritual lives and decisions.

Therefore, the menorah in the tabernacle of Moses and the component of "revelation" in 1 Cor 14:26, though distinct in their historical and cultural contexts, both facilitate the process of hearing God's voice in the midst of His people. They underscore the importance of preparing a space for God's presence and revelation in our gatherings, and the transformative power of His word in bringing light and direction to our lives.

<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/49de0235-e8bc-4eca-bf20-2a9d6d267a02/46f00e26-df2a-4461-927c-6bb4422f8ec7/IMAGE_2024-02-23_213625.jpg" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/49de0235-e8bc-4eca-bf20-2a9d6d267a02/46f00e26-df2a-4461-927c-6bb4422f8ec7/IMAGE_2024-02-23_213625.jpg" width="40px" /> (4.) MENORAH - prophetic significance - to decode and define the elemental - seer or futurist; light shed in the old tent of meeting an enigmatic precedence of a time in the distant future when God’s light is shed into the heart and there is clarity of thought and action to overcome the impulses of the old man and its practices. The revelation of the menorah is progressive, from lampstand in the tabernacle to a symbol of the light that enters the soul that produces sight and spiritual insight in the war against the spirit of the occult, witchcraft, idolatry and every wicked way of war, sin, death and hell.


Redeeming the prophetic genius (PRO, discover) - The ability to decode, define the elemental. This default natural ability derives pleasure in unearthing and uncovering mystery and proclaiming this to the world. Let him who has ears, let him hear!

“The drive and urge to unravel and uncover truth, knowledge or understanding and to proclaim and expound what is otherwise hidden, concealed or latent. Individuals will seek to perceive, interpret, announce and/or be the spokesperson for issues and events that to others may be unclear, obscure or even obtuse.” (Samuel/ Moen)

Prophetic genius across contexts

In the Tabernacle of Moses, the lampstand is not only a source of light, but also a symbol of static stability in the dynamic of the assembled ecclesia. Its seven branches, each holding a lamp, can be seen as a prism through which the singular light of God's presence and revelation is diffracted to provide illumination and guidance to the entire assembly.

Similarly, in the context of 1 Cor 14:26, the ecclesia, or the church, is assembled not in a physical tabernacle, but in the spiritual tabernacle of Christ's body. In this assembly, the role of the lampstand is paralleled by the prismatic leadership of the church. The leaders, through their diverse gifts and offices, serve to diffract the singular light of God's revelation to the church, much like the prismatic dispersion of light by the lampstand.

Therefore, the lampstand in the Tabernacle of Moses and the prismatic leadership in 1 Cor 14:26, though distinct in their manifestations, both serve to provide static stability to the dynamic of the ecclesia. They do this not by being the source of light themselves, but by being the prisms through which the light of God's revelation is diffracted to provide illumination and guidance to the entire assembly.

Prophetic Genius in the Marketplace

The prophetic genius, or 'prophetiea', is not confined to the traditional religious settings but extends into the non-Levitical spheres of the marketplace. This extension is a testament to the all-encompassing relevance and application of prophetic insight in all areas of life, including business, government, education, and the arts.

In the marketplace, the prophetic genius is often manifested as an extraordinary ability to anticipate future trends, understand complex problems, and identify innovative solutions. This is not merely a result of human intuition or strategic foresight, but is a product of divine revelation and wisdom that provides unique insights into the marketplace's dynamics and complexities.

Manifestation of Prophetic Genius

Prophets in the marketplace are often thought leaders, change agents, and culture shapers. They challenge the status quo, question existing paradigms, and call for transformational change. They are not afraid to speak the truth to power, advocate for justice, and promote ethical business practices. In doing so, they serve as a moral compass, guiding the marketplace towards a more just, equitable, and sustainable future.

Therefore, the prophetic genius in the marketplace is a powerful force for innovation, transformation, and social change. It is a call to integrate faith with work, to pursue excellence and integrity in all endeavors, and to seek the common good. It is a reminder that the marketplace is not just a place for economic transactions, but a platform for kingdom impact and a context for God's redemptive work in the world.

Prophetic Genius and Organizational Dynamics

The concepts of "singing in the spirit" and "singing with understanding", as derived from 1 Cor 14:15, can be metaphorically applied to the dynamics of freedom and control within organizations. This can be particularly relevant for organizations that aim to stay true to their core business while also adapting to changes in norms, technologies, and other external factors.

"Singing in the spirit" can be likened to the idea of freedom within an organization. It represents a state of spontaneity, creativity, and innovation, much like the free-flowing, improvisational nature of singing in the spirit. This freedom allows organizations to explore new ideas, take calculated risks, and adapt to changes, which can be crucial for staying relevant in a rapidly evolving business landscape.

On the other hand, "singing with understanding" can be equated to the need for control and alignment within an organisation. It involves the deliberate and thoughtful articulation of words and melodies, similar to the intentional and strategic actions taken by an organisation. This control ensures that the organization's actions are aligned with its core values, mission, and long-term goals, and that it does not deviate from its fundamental purpose in the pursuit of relevance or innovation.

Therefore, the dual practice of "singing in the spirit" and "singing with understanding" can serve as a model for organizations to navigate the tension between freedom and control. By balancing the need for creativity and innovation with the need for strategic alignment and purposeful action, organisations can stay true to their core business while also staying relevant in the face of changing norms, technologies, and other external factors.

Resource Flow and Prophetic Genius

Enabling total resources to flow without hindrance or bias is crucial for nurturing fresh ideas that enlarge our capacity for constructive change. This is necessary to remain a dynamic and relevant organisation that can effectively serve the local, non-local, and extra-local communities.

However, it's important to note that while enabling resources to flow freely can foster innovation, it's equally crucial to ensure that these resources are used effectively and ethically. This requires a balance between freedom and control, much like the balance between "singing in the spirit" and "singing with understanding" discussed earlier. By establishing clear guidelines and accountability structures, organizations can create an environment where resources are used responsibly and aligned with the organization's core values, mission, and long-term goals.

At the same time, it's crucial to recognize that not all resources are created equal. Some are more scarce, valuable, or impactful than others. Therefore, enabling resources to flow without hindrance or bias does not mean treating all resources the same. Instead, it requires a strategic and discerning approach to resource allocation, much like the strategic and discerning use of resources in the marketplace.

This is where the prophetic genius in the marketplace comes into play. Prophets in the marketplace, with their extraordinary ability to anticipate future trends, understand complex problems, and identify innovative solutions, can provide valuable insights into which resources are likely to be most impactful. They can help organizations to identify and invest in high-potential opportunities, navigate complex and uncertain business landscapes, and make wise and strategic decisions in the face of limited resources.

Therefore, enabling resources to flow without hindrance or bias is not just about removing barriers or biases. It's also about making strategic and discerning choices in the face of uncertainty and complexity. It's about balancing the need for freedom and control, much like the balance between "singing in the spirit" and "singing with understanding" discussed earlier. And it's about integrating faith with work, pursuing excellence and integrity in all endeavors, and seeking the common good, much like the prophetic genius in the marketplace.


Blindspots of the Prophetic Genius

While the prophetic genius can be a powerful force for insight and transformation, it is not without its potential blindspots. One of the key challenges that individuals with a prophetic genius may face is the risk of distractions and diversions from their core mission or purpose.

Distractions and Diversions

Prophetic individuals often have a deep sense of curiosity and a strong desire to explore new ideas, solve complex problems, and uncover hidden truths. While these traits can be incredibly valuable, they can also make prophetic individuals vulnerable to distractions and diversions. In a world that is full of noise, complexity, and uncertainty, the drive to explore and uncover can sometimes lead prophetic individuals away from their core mission or purpose.

Staying True to the Core Mission

Therefore, it is crucial for prophetic individuals to develop the discipline to stay focused on their core mission or purpose. This involves setting clear priorities, establishing boundaries, and learning to say no to opportunities or activities that do not align with their core mission or purpose. It also involves developing the humility to recognize that they cannot solve every problem, uncover every truth, or explore every idea. By staying focused on their core mission or purpose, prophetic individuals can ensure that their time, energy, and resources are used in the most effective and impactful way possible.

Integrating Faith with Work

Finally, it is important to note that staying focused on the core mission or purpose is not just about avoiding distractions or diversions. It is also about integrating faith with work, pursuing excellence and integrity in all endeavours, and seeking the common good. By staying true to their core mission or purpose, prophetic individuals can serve as a powerful force for innovation, transformation, and social change. They can create a more just, equitable, and sustainable future, and they can make a lasting impact in the world.


Fire Altar





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