Imagine teaching maths without any way of writing it down - you can only use your voice to describe equations and formulas. Not only would teaching maths be rubbish for both the teacher and the student, but without a way to visualise them, most mathematical concepts wouldn’t have had the foundations to be thought up in the first place. Well 1000 years ago, this was the case for music. It was slow, difficult and inaccurate to teach across generations, and musical ideas were limited to an incredibly simplified set of understandings.
In the early 11th century, the Italian town of Arezzo was home to an elusive monk named Guido. This monks fascination with the possibility and colours of musical harmony - before any systems existed to be able to understand it as we do today - lead him to an awesome invention. An invention that allowed music to flourish in directions previously unimaginable.
How Did A Monk Change Music Forever?
“When You Come Together” (1 Cor 14:26)