

╔═══════════ KING'S COLLEGE SEMINARY [5-Year Educational Journey]══════════════╗
║                                                                              ║
║                              Preceptorship Program                           ║
║                                                                              ║
║    Seminary Studies     ║    Thesis Research     ║       Non-Levitical       ║
║     (Year 1-3)          ║     (Year 4)           ║       Ordination          ║
║                         ║                        ║                           ║
║    ENTRY LEVELS:        ║    Research Question:  ║       DAVT (Year 5)       ║
║    M1: Interlinear      ║    "I help...          ║       Final Phase         ║
║    M2: Modalities       ║     to...by..."        ║                           ║
║    M3: Unseen Realm     ║                        ║                           ║
║                         ║                        ║                           ║
║    7 Mountains          ║    Literature Review   ║       Ordination          ║
║    7 Archetypes         ║    Methodology         ║       Ceremony            ║
║    7 Movements          ║    Data Analysis       ║       Certification       ║
║                         ║                        ║                           ║
║    FOURS PILLAR:        ║    DEFENCE:            ║       PLACEMENT:          ║
║    Servant Leadership   ║    Oral Presentation   ║       Ministry            ║
║    Malachi 4:4-6        ║    Written Submission  ║       Assignment          ║
║    Lion,Ox,Eagle,Man    ║    Final Defence       ║                           ║

                             Support Components & Resources                                    
║    Research        ║     SOLE           ║    Assessment      ║    Student         ║
║    Development     ║     Learning       ║    Framework       ║    Services        ║
║                    ║                    ║                    ║                    ║
║    C-BAM System    ║     Academics      ║    ORCID ID        ║    Municipality    ║
║    Ref. Library    ║     Impact Study   ║    Diagnostics     ║    Advisory Board  ║
║    Notion Platform ║     Self-Study     ║    Thesis Review   ║    Logistics Team  ║

† C-BAM: Challenge-based Agile Management Framework
* SOLE: Self-organised Learning Environment with Integrated Assessment
* Assessment includes continuous evaluation and milestone achievements

Invitation to Preceptorship in King’s College Seminary

Academics & Admissions at the Seminary Gate

Resource Question Description
Where can I get started on my GNT intro? This page highlights the importance of the Greek New Testament (GNT) in theological studies and provides insights into how it can be used to enrich the study of theology
Where can I find information on the Pattern of Sevens? The Pattern of Sevens is a fascinating and multifaceted concept that appears across various disciplines and phenomena. It's a unifying thread that weaves its way through music, biblical traditions, the natural universe, and human behavior, providing a unique perspective on life and the universe. This pattern, with its rich applications and implications, can offer new joinees a profound and enriching avenue for exploration and discovery.
Where can I find out more about Ancient Hostilities and the War on Saints for my M3 studies? The "Ancient Hostilities and the War on Saints" is a complex and nuanced topic that delves into the spiritual aspects of our faith. It's an integral part of the M3 studies at King's College Seminary, designed to equip students with the wisdom and discernment needed for effective service and engagement in spiritual warfare.
Where can I find the link to the Campus Brochure? This brochure discusses the Greek New Testament (GNT) as a pre-requisite for certain modules and its value in theological studies.
How verify my know my modality? The MODS Course Description page suggests that verifying your modality involves a process of self-discovery and self-mastery. It recommends practical exercises such as seeking feedback from peers, self-reflection, and applying the pattern of sevens in the Bible to your life.
What is the ebook "Secrets of the Menorah" about? The ebook "Secrets of the Menorah" explores the Menorah's history, symbolism, and its role in Jewish faith and culture. It discusses the Menorah's significance in bringing light, symbolizing hope and resilience, and its representation in Jewish art and culture over time.
I am an artist under 40 years and single and think I qualify for the Global Expeditionary Award. How would I know if ever? The Global Expeditionary Award (GEA) recognizes young leaders in various fields who are making a significant impact. As an under 40, single artist, you could be a potential candidate for this award. However, the final decision would depend on a review and approval process by the Council of serving leaders.
Where can I find information on the periodic table of human behaviour The Periodic Table of Human Behaviour is a theoretical framework that categorizes different aspects of human behavior. It's similar to how the chemical periodic table organizes elements. In the context of the 7 Modalities Paradigm, which is a unique approach to understanding and applying biblical principles in life, the Periodic Table of Human Behaviour serves as a tool to identify, understand, and predict human behaviour patterns.
Master Curriculum (β) Where can I find an overview of the workspace? The Masterplan page details King's College Singapore's 5-year strategic initiative to establish a unique graduate school of theology that is both theologically profound and practically applicable. It provides an overview of the workspace.
Seminary Architecture Where can I get updates and see upcoming events in the workspace? The Architecture page provides updates and upcoming events in the workspace. It features a unique courseware structure for the 7 Modalities Paradigm, offering a deep dive into biblical archetypes and their application in Theological studies.
How can I view and manage my tasks? The Courses page allows you to view and manage your tasks. It outlines the degree program at King's College Singapore, providing a roadmap of the coursework and thesis components of the program.
Graduate Thesis Track How do I select a thesis topic? The Thesis page provides a structured approach to selecting a thesis topic, focusing on areas such as target audience, purpose-driven goal, and signature methodology. It also emphasizes the importance of interests, career goals, and preliminary research in guiding your topic selection.
How do I choose a research topic? The Graduate Research for Independent Studies page suggests considering your interests, the needs of your field, and the gaps in current knowledge when choosing a research topic. It also highlights the importance of working closely with your advisor to develop a thesis statement and a plan for research and writing.
What financial aid opportunities are available for new joinees pursuing graduate degrees at the Seminary? The Bursary/ Scholarships page discusses financial aid opportunities available at the Seminary. These aids are designed to empower students to pursue academic excellence and professional development.
What does the matriculation process into the M.A. degree offerings at King's College Seminary involve? The Matri page provides an overview of the matriculation process into the M.A. degree offerings at King's College Seminary, outlining the comprehensive and well-rounded education in theology that the program involves.
Board of Regents What is the role of the Board of Regents? The Board of Regents page discusses the role of the Board of Regents in the context of the "Periodic Table of Human Behaviour" and its implications for the traditional family and the house church. It provides a unique perspective on leadership and decision-making within the workspace.

FAQ’s (β)


Master Curriculum (β)

Seminary Architecture

7Modalities Dashboard

Winter Graduation 2025

Archetypes, Endowments, Seeds

Missional Leader

7Churches Paradigm

Seminary Gate (β)

7Seeds Modalities

Board of Regents
